These flourless banana muffins are AMAZING for any occasion. Not only are they easy to make, but they also don’t require a lot of cleanup. 

banana dessert recipes healthy

This recipe can be made into mini muffins or regular-sized muffins, depending on what you want the portions to be. 

This specific banana muffin recipe also allows for alternative ingredients to be in place of the original ones, so if you have an allergy to one of the ingredients on the list, there is most likely a substitute for you.

 Be careful when bringing these to an event, or offering these to your friends because these flourless banana muffins are very addicting.

This post is all about how to make these delicious banana muffins and the best ways to share them with your friends and family.

This recipe was taken from Eating Well, so if you want to see the original recipe click here.

As someone who has made this recipe several times before, there is a high chance that the muffins will be gone within a half hour of them coming out of the oven.

These simple and delicious banana muffins will make you crave more and end up eating them all in one sitting. If you manage to make them last more than one day, they tend to last about a week.

If you have a lot of bananas lying around that are getting to the last of their days, this is a perfect overripe banana recipe. 

Banana muffin ingredients: 

Remember to prepare these before you start!

Rolled Oats-

 The first ingredient you will need to create these muffins will be oats. This ingredient can also be switched out for another type of flour as it gets blended up anyway.

When you have finished blending the oats, make sure to be careful when taking off the lid of the blender because the oat powder tends to fly out everywhere.

One way to somewhat prevent this is to tap the blender lid on all sides and the top to shake off as much dust and powder as you can before opening it up.

This recipe can definitely be considered gluten-free, but if you are looking for these muffins to be 100% gluten-free, make sure that the oats you use are labeled as “gluten-free”.

Baking Powder & Baking Soda-

The baking powder and baking soda are super important to include in this recipe (and really any other baked good recipe) because it helps the muffins to rise.

The baking powder also lightens up the texture of the muffins as they bake. If you didn’t add baking powder or baking soda, the muffins wouldn’t rise at all!

If you don’t have baking soda or baking powder and can’t get your hands on any, you can substitute double the amount of the baking soda with cream of tartar.


The salt acts as the glue for the flour and helps the muffins rise without them tearing. It pretty much holds the muffin together so the baking soda and the baking powder can do their jobs.

Its official job in baking is to be used as a binder and stabilizer for the other ingredients. It also makes a great preservative.

The type of salt you use does not matter, but it may actually enhance the flavor of the muffins. So don’t be afraid to try a type of salt you don’t normally use.

When blending these ingredients together, you only need to mix them for a couple of seconds.


The eggs add so much moisture to the muffins which contributes to why they are so appealing and delicious. 

Instead of cracking the eggs straight into the blender, crack them into a smaller bowl just in case. There have been a couple of incidents where the eggshell has gotten lost within the batter and can’t be retrieved.

Once the eggs have been cracked into the bowl, you can pour them straight into the blender. Just like you would do if you mashed the bananas in a separate bowl.


Next, you’re going to need… bananas, of course! They wouldn’t be banana muffins without the bananas! 

There are a couple of ways to prepare the bananas, so they blend easily with the rest of the ingredients.

The first way you could do this is to peel the bananas, place them in a bowl, and use a masher to smush them into a softer consistency and shape. Then pour that into the blender.

The second way (and my personal favorite way) to prepare the bananas is to smush them inside of the peel before opening it up. This way there are fewer dishes to clean towards the end.

Brown sugar-

The brown sugar adds most of the sweetness to the muffins, excluding the sugars from the bananas. This ingredient acts as a healthier alternative to regular white sugar.

Brown sugar doesn’t need any preparation before going into the blender, you can just pour it straight in. 

However, if it is packed together, you should break it apart with a spoon before blending. This just makes it easier on the blender.

Canola oil-

The oil adds so much moisture to the muffins, the texture would make a completely different product without it. 

It traps the air released by the baking powder and baking soda and makes the muffins even lighter and fluffier!

If you don’t have any canola oil, you can use vegetable oil and the muffins will turn out the exact same, even down to texture and flavor.

Vanilla extract-

Vanilla extract enhances the flavors of other ingredients like milk and sugar. In this case,  brown sugar.

It also takes away the smell of raw eggs which is why anything that has raw eggs in it uses some amount of vanilla extract. 

It is not necessary when taking into consideration of the chemical reactions that happened during the baking process, but it does add lots of flavor.

After blending everything together, some oats tend to stick to the sides of the blender. To help with this, take a spoon and scrape the sides after mixing for a couple of seconds, then again once the batter smoothens out.

Chocolate chips-

Chocolate chips are an optional ingredient, but if they are added, they do speed up the process of the muffins getting consumed. 

Either way, these flourless banana muffins are sure to be a hit wherever you take them. They’re little bite-sized pieces of flavor that will keep you searching for more.

A common mistake you may run into is when adding chocolate chips. Make sure to fold them into the batter without blending, because blending will break them up.

Another option for adding the chocolate chips could be sprinkling them on after the batter has already been poured.

Whether you make them regular muffins or banana chocolate chip muffins, they can be considered a healthy treat!

It’s important though to keep in mind that this can be messy to take out after they have baked, so you may have to wait for them to cool before scooping them out of the pans. 

Now for the official flourless banana muffin recipe:

banana muffin recipe

Flourless Banana Muffin Recipe

This delicious banana muffin recipe is PERFECT for any time of day!
Prep Time 20 minutes
30 minutes
Total Time 50 minutes
Course Appetizer, Breakfast, Dessert, Snack
Servings 25 mini muffins
Calories 78 kcal


  • 1 Blender
  • 1 Spoon
  • 1 24-cup mini muffin pan ~or two 12-cup mini muffins pans
  • Measuring cups


  • 1 1/2 cups Rolled Oats
  • 1 tsp Baking Powder
  • 1/4 tsp Baking Soda
  • 1/4 tsp Salt
  • 2 large Eggs
  • 1 cup Mashed Banana ~about 2 bananas
  • 1/3 cup Brown Sugar
  • 3 tbsp Canola Oil ~or vegetable oil
  • 1 tsp Vanilla Extract
  • 1/2 cup Mini Chocolate Chips


  • Preheat the oven to 350 degrees and spray a 24-cup mini muffin pan or two 12-cup mini muffin pans with cooking spray.
  • Pour rolled oats to a blender and blend together until it is finely ground.
  • Add baking powder, baking soda, and salt to the blender.
  • Pulse for a couple of seconds then add the next ingredients.
  • Add eggs, mashed bananas, brown sugar, canola oil, and vanilla extract to the blender.
  • Blend together for about five seconds then scrape excess off the side with a spoon.
  • Continue to blend and scrape off the sides until the batter is smooth and all of the ingredients are incoproraye.
  • Add the mini chocolate chips and fold them into the batter with a spoon.
  • Pour the mixture into each muffin cup.
  • Bake the muffins for 15-17 minutes or until fully baked. (Use the toothpick test to make sure it comes out clean.)
  • Let them cool for about 5 minutes.
Keyword muffins, snacks

Overall, this recipe is great if you want to make a snack for yourself, or bring it as a sweet treat to a party! 

If you can hold back from eating them all at once, they make great breakfast on the go! Just whip them up on Sunday night and you have them fresh and ready for the upcoming week.

Making these muffins is a piece of cake! Or a piece of muffin, I should say?

Just make sure you can confidently check off everything on the list as you go, there have been a couple of times that the muffins went into the oven before I sprayed the pan. 

Speaking of pans, sometimes it can be hard to find similar mini muffin pans for your baking endeavors. 

This 24-cup mini muffin pan is perfect for this recipe!

muffin recipes

If you like to cross off things as you go, there is a print-ready version of this recipe so you can file it away at home!

Take note that you may get comfortable with the banana muffin recipe after doing it several times, but you should still check the steps before putting everything into the oven. 

I have also found that the recipe tends to make a little bit more than 24 muffins, so if this is the case you can get creative!

Either you can find another muffin pan and pour the rest into that, or you can pour it into a little glass bowl and let it bake. 

The mini muffins will be completely baked within the allotted time, but if you put the excess into a bigger bowl, you will need to keep it in for longer. Usually, 2-3 minutes will do the trick. 

There you have it! The perfect flourless banana muffins for any occasion. I know I will be making these again very soon. 

This post was all about a super healthy and easy banana muffin recipe to make time and time again.

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