Sometimes the best party food for large groups can be easier to come up with than you may initially think.

Best Party Food For Large Groups

Besides the classics, there are tons of foods that you can make or prepare for your party that will be filling for your guests without emptying your wallet.

The best party food for large groups is typically anything that you can buy in bulk and won’t take long to set up.

Depending on whether you have any requirements regarding food allergies or the general amount of healthy food you want to include, you may have to set aside more time to create the dishes personally.

To make things as easy as possible, try sticking to reusable containers and food that isn’t too messy so that people can refill their containers whenever they want more food without any residue from what they just ate.

This post is all about the best party food for large groups.

The word ‘food’ is a very broad term, so I decided to add all of the different types of food that you may want to bring to your party. 

Categories like dinner and dessert are kind of important to distinguish from one another because they make it easier for you to find exactly what you’re looking for.

Hopefully, you’ve figured out things like the theme, what kind of food you want at your party, and how much time you will be able to spend setting up and getting ready.

(RELATED POST: Party Food For A Crowd On A Budget)

For a party with a theme, you may decide to make food that goes with the aesthetics of the party. If that is the case, you may be a little bit more picky about possible food options.

Without a specific theme, you will have no boundaries for the options of food you can make.

HOWEVER, this is not to suggest using or not using a theme, it depends on the party and the person. For example, if you are usually indecisive, a theme will help you narrow down all the choices you must make to plan.

Depending on how long your party is, you may need to prepare multiple meals for your guests. The categories down below will cover all of those different possible meals.

Including snacks that are easy to continue to restock throughout.

Taking a small step away from party food for a minute, consider using reusable dishes that your guests can keep with them for the duration of the party.

If you choose to stay away from messy foods that will leave residue on dishes, reusable ones are a great way to reduce the amount of trash that will ultimately accumulate by the end of the day.

You can make it fun by giving each person their own dish that they can take home with them or having everything be different colors or shapes so everyone will know whose is whose. 

Worried about having guests write their names on the dishes? You can use a piece of tape instead for them to write their name on so it doesn’t go directly onto the dishes.

Afterward, you can peel the tape right off and wash them. There won’t be any trace of pen or Sharpie and you can use them again like normal.

A good place to start when planning what party food you want to include is thinking about snacks. Some guests only eat snacks during the party so you may want to think about creating a healthy balance, or at least offering some healthy options for those who may never eat a full meal.

Easy Party Snacks:


Popcorn is a great party snack to make when you are short on time and need enough to sustain a lot of people.

You can buy several packages at a time and make different flavors using salt, butter, and cheese. Or if you want something more like dessert, you can use cinnamon.

Popcorn is a popular snack that most people love, and it is relatively healthy and low-calorie.


Piggybacking off of popcorn as a great party snack, trail mix is another one that is not messy and would work well with reusable cups.

You can either buy a bunch of trail mix at the store or buy ingredients and then make it yourself.

Make this the most effective way possible, prepare everything in a large bowl and give the guests reusable cups that they can use to scoop the mix and eat out of.

When they are done, they can go back to the large bowl, scoop up some more, and take it with them in a nice, compact container.

If you buy the ingredients in bulk, it is easy to refill and can stay at room temperature without spoiling. 

Pull-Apart Bread

This can be considered a little messier than the others because it is more hands-on to grab than the others.

Pull-apart bread is a great carb that can be added as a snack, and if you can make it fresh for the party, guests would especially be drawn to it.

By itself, this party food is quite delicious, but you can add something to dip it in like melted butter with rosemary for extra flavor.

If you want to get really unique, you could also try making a cinnamon roll dip with the frosting and cinnamon mixed together!

Fruit Bowl

Last but not least, a fruit bowl is a good super healthy alternative to trail mix for a source of fiber and natural sugar.

By cutting up the fruit into smaller, bite-sized pieces, the guests can use the same reusable cups. You may need to provide forks as well if you include melon, but hopefully, that won’t be too much of an issue.

Fruits (and veggies) are just as easy to prepare as the other party snacks on this list and benefit the guests by being high in tons of vitamins, and nutrients that are good for the body.

(RELATED POST: The 34 Best Snacks To Make For Any Occasion)

Now snacks are great, but it is also important to eat proper meals. If you haven’t already come up with something to serve your guests, these may help!

Easy Party Dinners/Lunches:

Grilled Chicken And Vegetable Kabobs

If you know how to barbecue, it is a super easy and fun way to make dinner. Whether it is for a big party or just for yourself, grilled chicken and veggies are the perfect meal because they include protein and fiber, and you can take as little or as much as you want.

Guests can take as many kabobs as they think they will eat, and there isn’t any problem with sharing germs while grabbing the food.

You can also make different variations so everyone can find food they like, without having to pick out or waste.

Roasted Vegetables

In the oven, roasted vegetables with some seasoning are absolutely delicious. Some people may not like veggies raw, but by adding some flavor and roasting them, the taste becomes completely different.

They pair well with a source of protein like beef, chicken, or pork for lunch or dinner, so consider adding them together for a balanced meal.

Homemade Pizza

Homemade pizza is a fun meal that you can make for the guests or have them help you as something to bond while doing. 

You can keep it plain or add vegetables and meat to it, but if you make it while your guests are there, you can figure out exactly what they would want. You can also find out how large or small you need to make the pizza so you don’t make too much or too little.

This is an easy party food that only takes preparation in the beginning, and then just sits in the oven until it is fully baked. 

If your guests aren’t completely parched by this point without any drinks, let me introduce the next category.

Easy Party Drinks:


Lemonade is a classic party drink that can be located at most parties, especially in the summertime. What makes this so awesome and easy is that stores sell ready-made lemonade powder that you can add to water and voila! It’s ready to go.

But, if you have lemons in your backyard, you can make homemade lemonade. You can also do the same thing with oranges if you wish.

Iced Tea

This party drink can complement food well, so pairing it with party food is the way to go.

Fruit Punch

Fruit punch is always a hit with kids, and may be a good first option if you plan on having tons of little ones at your party. This drink is also sold ready-made so there aren’t many steps when it comes to putting this together.


This one is obvious, but to make it easier to look at as a list, I thought I should include it anyway. You can either prepare a pitcher of water with ice (or without) or direct guests to your sink or fridge.

And last but certainly not least,

Easy Party Desserts:

Ice Cream

If you have to think about this one, let me ask you this: have you ever met anyone who doesn’t like ice cream?

There are dairy-free alternatives if that arises as a problem, but ice cream is a classic easy dessert that makes everyone happy.

To make it even more fun for the guests, you could make it during the problem to serve at the end, and if there are any kids running around you can have them help you.


Another classic dessert that ranks as one of the best party food for large groups, brownies are perfect for those who love chocolate and fudge.

You may want to include another option for those who do not like chocolate as much if you are certain that some guests may not enjoy it as much.


Lastly, cupcakes. These may be easier to buy already made, but if you really want to, you can make them as well.

They are the ideal serving size per person, and anyone who wants more will not be able to grab them all at once. 

And that wraps it up!

The best party food for large groups is often easy to make, but there are some homemade versions that will truly spoil your guests.

(RELATED POST: Easy Recipes That You Need To Try)

Whether you decide to make anything homemade is your decision, but sometimes it adds that extra special touch that makes everything more enjoyable.

This post is all about the best party food for large groups.

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