This post is all about the best informative cocktail ingredients list.

cocktail ingredients list

This cocktail ingredients list will help you out!Having trouble figuring out what to put in your cocktail? There can be a lot of options, or if you aren’t very familiar with making cocktails, you may not have any idea what to use.

If that’s the case, don’t worry! This list is easy to follow and has a breakdown that will help you understand the purpose of each ingredient.

This list covers many of the different things you can add to your drink, but remember that there are still tons of other things you can add and come up with if you think of them. 

The more creative you are with your drink, the more fun you will have and the more you will enjoy yourself.

This post is all about the best informative cocktail ingredients list.

You don’t have to be a pro at coming up with ideas to make an awesome cocktail. Using a recipe or not, each person adds and creates in a different way, which already makes the result unique.

If you can come up with an idea or a theme to latch on to, you can make a drink inspired by that thing.

There are so many ingredients you can use, this list truly only scratches the surface of the possibilities you could mix together.

To find a theme, you can look to anything around you or anything you like. For example, colors, movies, or even people.

First, you need to figure out what base you want to use, and then you can add things like sweeteners, herbs, bitters, and garnishes.

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The possibilities are truly endless with the combinations you can make! Or if you just get a couple of different ingredients, you can make tons of drinks from those alone.

Let’s get into all of these options!

Cocktail Ingredients List:

Starting off with the most important step in making a cocktail, the base. 

As the foundation, it is necessary that you find something that you really enjoy, and if you planning on spanning out to try other recipes as well, something that will support the diverse flavor profile of the ingredients you use.

These are some of the bases you may want to consider:

Vodka- a ‘blank canvas’ style base that is neutral, which makes it a popular choice for cocktails.

Gin- a base with a slight berry aroma and herbal/floral note.

Whiskey- there are so many different variations of whiskey that you can use to get distinctions in your cocktails, it just depends on the taste you’re going for.

Rum- a base that is often a mix for sweet and fruity drinks, which may be your pace if you are planning on making a colorful cocktail.

Tequila- this is a very versatile base that gives off an earthy and slightly sweet flavor.

As mentioned before, these bases are only some of the many drinks that can be used as the premise for your cocktail.

Mixers can add to the base or used by themselves for a non-alcoholic mocktail. 


Club Soda- a great addition to the base to add some fizz while also diluting any stronger or unwanted flavors.

Tonic Water- pairs well with gin cocktails and offers a bitter taste.

Ginger Ale- another easy option for a non-alcoholic drink, and can be the number one choice for drinks that any kiddos may request.

Citrus sodas- adds a unique taste that may blend well with ingredients depending on what you add, and can enhance or cover up slightly with the help of other cocktail elements.

Moving on, if you so happen to want to add a sweetener, there are even more options! This list is definitely longer and more extensive, but it will help you figure out what direction you want to go in if you haven’t figured that out yet.


Simple Syrup- such a classic sweetener, which can have uses for so much more than just cocktails. 

Just like the name, simple syrup is also super easy to make! Just add equal parts of water and white sugar to a saucepan and then bring to a boil. Stir until the sugar dissolves and then you can use it. 

It can be stored in the fridge for quite a while, and you can make it in batches if you plan on making various drinks in the near future.

White Sugar- a super simple and easy-to-use sweetener that dissolves quickly when put into cocktails and can be used to make simple syrup.

Brown Sugar- easily dissolves like white sugar, but adds a hint of molasses and caramel flavoring.

Demerara Sugar- larger sugar crystals that add a caramel and rum-like taste to cocktails, will also take longer to dissolve.

Honey- adds depth to the flavor profile of cocktails, and the various types of honey can influence the texture of the drink.

Agave Nectar- slightly sweeter than sugar, and thinner than honey.

Maple Syrup- adds a familiar and subtle warm, maple taste; pure maple syrup works best in this case.

Fruit Juice/Syrups- adds natural sweetness and acidity, and may enhance the flavor of a pre-existing fruit already included in the cocktail.

Grenadine- another classic syrup that has many different variations and can add a sweet or tart flavor.

There are tons of other sugar substitutes you can use as well if that is something you were thinking of using. 

Fruit juice is also another great alternative for natural sugars and can add extra flavors to the cocktail as a secondary fruit component or to complement the base.

Speaking of fruits, here are some of the popular and common fruits you can use:

For a citrus cocktail, you can use fruits like lemon, lime, orange, grapefruit, and blood orange. These will give off sour notes which may be good for drinks with rum or tequila. You will also get some light floral flavors from these citruses.

In terms of berries, the wide range of fruits offers unique flavors that may pair well with the rest of your cocktail. For sweetness, strawberries, and blueberries will provide a natural hint of that and vibrant colors.

For more tartness, you can use blueberries and raspberries. They will also give off that vibrant hue of blue or red. All three of these berries add flavor through muddling, juicing, or as garnishes.

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Blackberries create a deeper, richer flavor while cranberries give cocktails a tart and tangy taste. Most of the time, cranberries are used during to holidays, but they are not limited to them.

Tropical fruits like pineapple, mango, and passionfruit add a unique sweetness along with that feeling of being on vacation. However, other fruits like watermelon, peach, nectarine, and pear add just as much if not more of that super sweet flavor.

Those last few may not be the best as garnishes, but there are many herbs that can do the job and usually match the visual aesthetic of your cocktail.


Classics like mint, basil, and rosemary add a refreshing and slightly sweet scent and taste to your drink without being too overwhelming. If you want to look outside of the box, there are also some herbs like lavender, thyme, and sage that each bring their unique aromas and infuse them with the cocktail.

Not enough? If you’re really looking to get crazy with herb infusions, you could be bold and go with something like cilantro, tarragon, or chamomile for anything bright, delicate, complex, and slightly floral.

What about making a drink with more of a sour punch?

These are some of the many from the cocktail ingredients list you can choose from to make your drink tangy: 

Some citrus juices like grapefruit juice, yuzu juice, and calamansi juice will do just what the name implies: add a citrus touch. If that is something you are aiming to add, then these may do the trick!

Berries such as cranberries, gooseberries, and red currant will increase the tartness of the drink and can be muddled for an extra strong flavor or added differently for a noticeably lighter change.

Green grapes, tomatoes, tamarind, and other fruits have an intense savory and sour taste but may be perfect for unique cocktails like Bloody Mary or Dark and Stormy.

If you’re looking for something that may require less effort in preparation, vinegar is one of the options that is ready to go out of the bottle.

Vinegar adds a touch of acidity and sometimes other hints of flavor depending on what type of vinegar you use. For example, apple cider vinegar will include an apple taste, and white wine and champagne vinegar also add dimension and complexity to the cocktail.

There are of course more that could be added to this cocktail ingredients list and could included in your drink to add a sour note or some sort of acidic component, but these are just a couple to get you started.

Lastly, for visually aesthetic purposes, garnishes are super important!

Possible garnishes for your finished creation:

Maraschino Cherries- a super sweet and delicious garnish that is fun for kids and is often eaten before the drink is consumed!

Citrus Twists and Wedges- a fun twist (haha) that can either you can add to the drink or set aside.

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Herbs- herbs were listed earlier, but there are tons of options that will give a slightly different flavor depending on what you use.

Berries- similar to the citrus garnishes, you can use them in the drink or eate independently.

Cinnamon Stick- will add to the cocktail a warm and comforting taste, may be hard to drink around though.

Edible Flower- most often for decorating, but can be consumed if you really want to.

Chocolate Shavings- a unique garnish that may be better received in warm, rich cocktails.

Salted Rim- an easy garnish that will add a slight taste to the drink but won’t hinder the ability to consume it.

And that about does it!

There are sooo many things you can add to your cocktail, you could create so many different recipes and never have any duplicates!

If you enjoy trying new things and mixing flavors together, there are tons of ingredients to choose from. Have fun and test the boundaries of what you think you may like! 

This post is all about the best informative cocktail ingredients list.

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