What better way to enjoy a party than with some birthday snacks?

birthday snacks

If you don’t already have a solid idea of birthday snacks to include for an upcoming party, then these might help you out.

Sometimes it’s hard to think of snacks that guests will like when you have so much else going on. There are so many different aspects of planning a party, that it’s easier when someone can do all of the thinking for you.

Maybe you just need some ideas to start you off or a full list that you can pick and choose from. Either way, this list has got you covered.

Or if you just want something to make for yourself to celebrate your birthday, these are for your enjoyment. Party or no party, you can spoil yourself and stay energized through the day when the snacks.

Whether you want healthy snacks, some sweet treats, or a little mix of both, there is something to suit everyone’s tastes.

This post is all about the 5 best birthday snacks.

As repetitive as this may sound, it is important to have a good variety of treats, healthy foods, and snacks that work with allergy restrictions. 

Depending on the severity of the allergy, you could also just choose to leave those foods and ingredients out altogether.

If your party is going to be several hours long, you may want to stick to ingredients that will be low maintenance and you can refill easily throughout the duration that you choose to have them out.

For a shorter party, you won’t have to worry about this so much and can choose from a wider selection of foods and birthday snacks.

With a shorter party, the food won’t be out for as long, so the temperature that it will be at the end of the party will not change as much as if it is left out for several hours at a long party.

(RELATED POST: Healthy Birthday Smoothie)

It could also be fun to switch up the snacks depending on what the time is at the party. For example, a party going from lunch until dinner time could put out fruits and chips during the day, and then switch to more dessert-like foods after dinner.

Any extra birthday snacks that have not already been eaten can be left out as an option as well.

If that is too much work and you just want to leave the same snacks out the entire time, that’s fine too. guests may not be super hungry, especially if you are feeding them a meal on top of providing several snacks.

Only setting out a couple of options may also help if you are giving guests dinner because there is less of a chance of them getting full before eating their meal.

Buying a few different birthday snacks will help reduce costs and still keep everyone happy and fed.

For only one person, you could focus on one or two snacks that you really want and have those throughout the day.

You can pack your birthday snacks for on-the-go or prepare them in the morning to eat when you get peckish.

Now on to the birthday snacks!

 Strawberry Party Hats

This is a super cute party snack to bring to short parties or if you want to save them in the fridge and eat them throughout the day.

They need to stay somewhat cold so the whipped cream doesn’t melt, so make sure you keep an eye on them if they are left out.

Strawberry party hats are a great easy birthday snack that makes the occasion feel a little bit more festive because of the detail without being too much.

You can make them at home or just have a bunch of strawberries and a bottle of whipped cream then assemble them as you want them.

They almost look like Santa hats too, so maybe they could double as snacks for a Christmas party or in another festive setting.

Adding fruit on top of the whipped cream is an extra detail as well that you can add for extra sweetness and extra variety of flavor. 

Sugar Cookies With Rainbow Sprinkles

Following on the party theme, sugar cookies with rainbow sprinkles are a nice celebratory dessert that can be great for long parties because they won’t melt and you don’t need to monitor their temperature.

You can of course choose to do different cookies, sugar cookies just serve as a great base for rainbow sprinkles that can mimic confetti and are commonly at birthday parties.

This would be a great birthday snack to bring out later in the day if you have a long party, or you can leave them out if it’s only going to be a couple of hours.

If you’re making this for yourself, then you will have plenty of cookies to last you several days so it will feel like you get to celebrate your birthday over and over again.

Cookies are typically good for about a week, so if you don’t think you can finish them in time you can always share them with some friends and family or even your neighbors.

Sugar cookies can take a little bit longer, but you can also choose whether you want to make the dough from scratch or buy it from the store which could potentially save a lot of time if you just have enough time to bake them.

Peanut Butter Pretzels

I don’t know what it is about peanut butter pretzels, but for some reason, I consider them a birthday snack.

They make a really good party snack because you can leave them out for hours which makes them perfect for long parties.

You can buy them at the store pre-packaged and then just take a couple if you want to eat them at home, they are so quick and easy and are a popular snack among kids.

It’s definitely one of my go-to’s when I see it at the store, they are so good and have a delicious blend of salty and savory.

These may not be a hit with everyone, or even an option if someone has a peanut allergy, but if you’re low on time and don’t have to worry about those things, peanut butter-filled pretzels are a yummy birthday snack to fill up a spot at the table.

Trail Mix

This was recently talked about in one of my other posts, but there are endless possibilities with trail mix.

There are so many different types at the store alone, and then to think about what combinations you could make with your own ingredients, the list goes on.

Trail mix is another low-maintenance birthday snack that’s great for short and long parties or just for eating by yourself.

While it is not exclusively a birthday snack, it definitely can be put under the category because of how easy it is to include and you can also add festive ingredients if you really want to.

You can make different themes for your trail mix, like s’mores or you could center one around a birthday and add a bunch of ingredients that you think would go with that theme or just your favorite ingredients.

(RELATED POST: Super Simple Snacks To Make)

Nuts and dried fruit are always the staples in trail mix but you can also add chocolate chips, marshmallows, peanut butter-filled pretzels, granola, and more.

For a sugar-filled treat, you could add different candies like M&M’s, mini Reese’s Pieces, and gummy bears.

However, if you’re trying to avoid the sugar rush, you can stick with nuts and dried fruits.

Banana Bread 

Banana bread is one of my all-time favorite snacks, whether it’s on a birthday or not. It also tends to be the party favor that kids give away when you’re in school as a snack if it’s someone’s birthday and the school won’t allow sweet treats.

It tastes delicious, it can sit out for a while and not depend on temperature for it to taste good, and guests can pick their own slice at the snack table or you can give them away afterward as little thank yous.

You can leave it plain, you could add chocolate chips, you could even add blueberries. if you like bananas, you will like banana bread.

There are some great prepackaged versions at the store, but it typically turns out to taste the best if you make it from home.

(RELATED POST: Things To Make With Ripe Bananas You Need To Know About)

That isn’t always the most efficient option and you may not have the time, so the store-bought version is great for those who need it.

To make for one person, a whole loaf of banana bread is a lot. However, if you make it on your birthday or the weekend before, you can have a slice each day as something yummy to look forward to.

Or, just like the sugar cookies, you can give them away to friends, family, and neighbors.

These birthday snacks are a fun addition to celebrate a birthday and keep your stomach happy while you enjoy the day.

The more creative you can be, the better! Detail and uniqueness make it more fun for the guests and even tastier to eat.

This post is all about the 5 best birthday snacks. 

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