The perfect summer snack mix is just a couple of scrolls away!

summer snack mix

This post will have all the possible ideas you can mix to create your ultimate summer snack mix.

Whether you want fruits, veggies, or chips, there are several options in all of those categories down below. 

Healthy or unhealthy, you can pick and choose from the ideas or make several for the themes of each party or occasion you make them for. 

This post is all about the ultimate summer snack mix for 2024.

But first, what do you think of adding when you want to make a mix of snacks for your get-together?

If you’re looking for something refreshing, stick to fruits and maybe some veggies if you think your guests will like them.

These selections also work if you’re aiming to provide healthy foods that are still just as delicious and nourishing. 

Try thinking of a fruit salad, and you can take a lot of inspiration from there. Fruit salads contain tons of super yummy and classic fruits that people are bound to enjoy.

However, for any summer snack mix you create, make sure to be aware of allergies. Whether that means excluding some foods from the mix or creating a completely different snack altogether.

For fruits, this shouldn’t be too much of an issue, but you may want to pay more attention if you are going to be mixing chips and other nuts.

Now that the allergy warning is out of the way, we can move on to the fun stuff!

Summer snack mix here we come!

Let’s start with some popular veggies that you could consider adding if you’re making a veggie-only or veggies and fruits bowl.




Snap peas






Bell peppers


These are really only scratching the surface of all of the vegetables you can decide to use, but they should give you a good idea of what may work with summer snacks.

As a general rule of thumb, when you are making a mix of snacks that are going to be exposed to many hands, try to make the food easy to handle. 

For example, use cherry tomatoes instead of sliced tomatoes to keep the juice from getting everywhere and making a hassle for the people who are trying to eat them.

This also keeps it nice and easy for people who don’t like tomatoes, because they can still enjoy the other veggies without getting tomato juice on them.

(RELATED POST: 11 Must-Have Snacks For Home)

Fruits may be a different scenario. While some of them are small enough and easy to eat in one bite, many require a bit more effort.

If you don’t want the mess, you can stay away from these larger fruits and go with some that are easier to handle:







The last one is kind of a stretch, but if each person takes their own, then they have the option to choose whether or not they want to get messy.

On the other end, you can also choose to have guests use forks or spoons, and that opens up more choices.

Things like melons would be included in this category, and you can cut them up into spheres or cubes for a large number of people.

Although I’ve already mentioned melons, here is a better list of the fruits that are slightly more messy but just as delicious!



Honey Dew melon









These fruits all need to be washed and cut up before they are small enough for guests to easily consume in one bite.

But what if you want to serve these fruits without the mess? putting forks and bowls for people to put their fruit into limit the amount of juice that may spill and also avoid sticky hands. 

Now, there are a couple of ways you can assemble your summer snack mix. You can pick one from each list so far that you like and keep them all separate or you can put them all together for a little bit of everything.

If you’re still clueless about what to pick, here are two of my favorite combinations!

The Classic Mix:



Sliced Banana


Sliced Carrots

Sliced Cucumber 



This mix contains a bunch of super popular and common fruits and veggies that your guests are sure to love.

Especially if you’re going to a party or potluck where there may be a lot of people or you won’t know many of the individuals there, these foods are a safe option to go with because there is something for everyone.

The classic mix works best altogether, but you can also split it up into two bowls: one for fruit and one for vegetables to keep things separate. 

Moving on, this next combination is mainly fruit.

The Tropical Mix:










This mix definitely requires the use of a fork but is absolutely delightful in taste and provides large portions. 

The tropical mix would be great for a tropical-themed party, or if you know everyone will and know that they like these types of foods.

The juices and flavors are going to blend together so as long as everyone is aware of that, then they shouldn’t have a problem picking just one food from the mix.

Feel free to combine or take out some of the other fruits that were mentioned in the lists above to make the perfect summer snack mix that you will love.

But what if you’re looking for something that’s going to last longer? Fruits and veggies are super yummy, but they usually only last for the day that you make them. 

After that, they can get all weird due to air exposure and if they are outside, they most likely will have come into contact with bugs. 

This is where the other snacks step in. Things like chips and nuts won’t go bad as quickly, and you can leave them out for a couple of days without having to worry about throwing them away.

They also require less time to prepare, so you can get something together in less than 5 minutes compared to fruit and vegetables, where you would need to cut and wash them before serving. 

There are so many different chips and nuts and snacks that I can’t possibly list them all, but I can list a couple of my favorites and some popular choices:



Chocolate Chunks

Mini Marshmallows

Graham Crackers


Wheat Thins







Peanut Butter Filled Pretzels


Salt and Vinegar Chips



Macadamia Nuts

Shredded or Dried Coconut

And the list could go on and on!

You can pick some of the favorites that you know people will like and mix them together into your summer snack mix.

Even better if you have a theme, and can pick snacks based on that theme. Kind of like the pre-assembled list of fruits from earlier on.

But following a subject isn’t necessary to pick a specific set of foods that you want to put into the mix. whatever you choose, there will surely be something for everyone to enjoy.

However, if you are looking for already-built lists, here are two that you may also enjoy:

The S’mores Mix:

Graham Crackers

Mini Marshmallows

Chocolate Chunks




Shredded Coconut

If you couldn’t already tell, this one is modeled off of one of the best summer treats that you make around it campfire, with the addition of some other yummy snacks.

You can even make many s’mores out of the individual pieces! What isn’t there to like?

This mix truly is the perfect blend of sweet and salty and is guaranteed to be a hit with your friends.

Looking for something crunchy? This may be for you.

The Crunchy Mix:


Peanut Butter Filled Pretzels

Macadamia Nuts


Wheat Thins

While the overarching theme may not be as clear as the others, the contents of this summer snack mix were chosen for their textures.

And don’t forget that if you like a theme but dislike having them all mixed together, you can separate some of them into different bowls.

Or if you are doing a mix of fruits, veggies, and pre-made snacks, assigning them to their own bowls will be ideal.

Now you’re prepared to make the best summer snack mix ever! even if it’s not summertime when you are looking for ideas, you can take the popular flavors and foods of the season and pair them with the ideas listed above.

Mixes of different summer snacks are great for kids’ parties because they get a variety of different foods. You can even set out cups or bowls and have each kid take a scoop that is what you were planning on doing with the snacks.

(RELATED POST: The 34 Best Snacks To Make For Any Occasion)

Whether these snacks or for a picnic, potluck, or party, the combination of delicious food will have everyone swarming the treat you bring. 

This post is all about the ultimate summer snack mix for 2024.

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