Looking for some adorable spring dishes that will help excite you for the joys of spring? These are five of my favorite recipes that you will love!

spring dishes

Spring is a beautiful season full of pastel colors and blooming flowers. But are there any dishes that you associate with Spring specifically?

These recipes are great for a picnic or potluck with friends and family. The designs are picture-perfect and deserve to be shared.

Most of these dishes are also super easy and don’t take too long to make, depending on what you choose. The baking recipes take slightly longer but are on the more basic side when compared to other baked goods.

This post is all about the five most adorable spring dishes.

So what should you be expecting? 

There are some desserts, a drink, and a couple of appetizers that you can make in bulk for large events.

On the other hand, you can also scale down the size of your operation, if you plan to only make them for yourself or a couple of others. They are just as delicious either way you decide to prepare them!

Spring Dishes:

Rice Krispy Treats… with a twist!

spring dishes

Rice Krispy Treats are easy enough, so why not add a pop of color? 

The hundreds and thousands sprinkles totally add a Spring vibe to them and make them super cute for parties!

For this recipe you will need:

A spatula

A frying pan

One 9 by 9-inch pan

3 tablespoons of butter

A 10 oz bag of marshmallows

6 cups of Kellog’s Rice Krispies cereal

Hundreds and Thousands sprinkles

Step 1:

Over medium heat, melt 3 tablespoons of butter in a large pan. Once they are completely melted, add the 6 cups of Kellog’s Rice Krispies cereal into the mix. 

I added the cereal 2 cups at a time to prevent it from spilling over the pan.

Step 2:

Fold the cereal and marshmallows until well combined. Then start adding Hundreds and Thousands sprinkles into the pan and fold those in as well. 

You may add as many sprinkles as you prefer!

Step 3:

Carefully scoop the mixture into a 9 by 9-inch pan and even out with a spatula. Let it cool for 10 minutes and cut it into squares. Then enjoy!

If you prefer to use a microwave or want to make the original recipe, go to The Original Rice Krispy Treats Recipe here. 

Next up, we have an easier recipe:

Hawaiian Roll Mini Sandwiches!

These are so cute and taste amazing! They are the best size to bring on a picnic, and customizable enough to where everyone can make exactly what they want.

If you’re looking for something quick and easy, these are where you should look. 

Or, if you’re going for a tea sandwich vibe, these do that as well! Tea sandwiches are a bit more restricted with what you can put in them or eat with them. (If you want to stick with the stereotypical tea sandwich look, that is.)

There are so many different things you could add to make this your ideal sandwich!

Need ideas? Of course, I got you!






Cheddar cheese

Swiss cheese





These are just some of the MANY different additions you can put on your sandwich. 

This list is also a great reference if you plan on making a spread for people to choose from, these are the most common ingredients people pick.

And, bonus: you can turn them into mini burgers or breakfast sandwiches if you’d like!

Following along those lines, we have our next spring dish!

Salami and Cheese Rolls

Although a pretty basic snack, the presentation of a dish can make it look super extravagant or simple. 

Whether you plan on making them nice or not, this snack is just as yummy. Plus, it’s a great way to get some pure protein and dairy.

If you want to set these out at your next party, I suggest using toothpicks to make it easier for guests to pick up and eat.

Don’t like cheese? That’s okay! You can make them exactly the same but with no cheese. Or without salami and just cheese, if that is what you prefer.

Hopefully, you’re not too thirsty after making all of these other foods! Our next refreshing recipe is:

Mint Mojitos

Just like many of the other recipes, this one is super easy. Especially as the weather starts to get warmer and plants start to grow, mint mojitos will become your go-to Spring drink!

They don’t contain any alcohol, so you can make them for little ones as well. I remember having this drink many times when I was younger, and now, it’s still one of my favorites!

If you plan on trying this recipe, this is what you should prepare:

Mint leaves (at least 3)

Sparkling water

Simple syrup


Limes (at least 2)

A cup or glass

A spoon for stirring

A muddler or blunt end of an object

Keep in mind that this recipe was estimated, so everything is eyeballed and tasted to satisfaction. You can add as much or as little of each ingredient as you want, it all comes down to how it tastes.

If you’re looking for something else with alcohol, I recommend the Mary Poppins Martini!

cocktail instructions

It’s super sweet and another great drink for the Springtime.

But not to worry! We will go over each step to make sure there are no questions or concerns. Speaking of, this is the recipe you should follow:

Step 1:

Add three mint leaves into a glass and pour in an inch of sparkling water. It doesn’t have to be exact, but just enough for the mint leaves to be almost fully covered.

Step 2:

Muddle the mint leaves then squeeze at least one full lime into the glass. If you don’t have a muddler, you can use the end of a utensil or something with a blunt end.

Step 3:

Add more sparkling water until just over halfway full, then add 3-4 tablespoons of simple syrup. 

FOR SIMPLE SYRUP: In a pot over medium heat, add equal parts of white sugar and water then stir until combined. Put into the fridge to cool.

Step 4:

Add ice and some more sparkling water. Taste and adjust what ingredients you need from there.

Then enjoy!

You can make these for your friends or to put in a dispenser for a picnic. Overall, it takes about 5 minutes and they are absolutely delicious!

Last but not least, we have another dessert!

Flower Ice Cream Cookie Sandwiches

Ice cream cookie sandwiches are amazing, but we can turn them into cute spring treats by making the cookies into cute flower shapes!

I got the original recipe from All Recipes if you want to check that one out, but make sure you pay attention to the end of this one if you plan on making them into flowers.

They are best eaten on the same day you make them, or else they can get firm and it is harder to make ice cream cookie sandwiches out of them.

For this recipe you will need:

½ cup of* :

softened butter*

white sugar*

brown sugar*

1 egg

1 teaspoon of vanilla extract

½ teaspoon of baking soda

1 teaspoon of hot water

¼ teaspoon of salt

1 ½ cups of flour

¾ cup of chocolate chips

The original recipe makes a batch of 4 dozen cookies, so for our purpose, I split the amount in half.

Step 1:

Preheat the oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit. Set out two cookie sheets with parchment paper over the top.

Step 2:

Beat together ½ cup of butter, ½ cup of white sugar, and ½ cup of brown sugar in a large bowl until completely incorporated.

Step 3:

Add the egg and 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract, then beat until smooth. Dissolve the ½ teaspoon of baking soda into 1 teaspoon of warm water, then pour into the bowl.

Step 4:

Grab a spatula, and fold in the 1 ½ cups of flour and ¾ cup of chocolate chips.

Step 5:

Use a cookie dough scooper to scoop the mixture onto the parchment paper. Divide that amount into three sections and roll it into balls. Continue this until all of the dough has been separated.

Step 6:

Place five into a star shape with nothing occupying the middle space. Set each flower about two inches apart from one another.

Step 7: 

Put both sheets into the oven for 10 minutes, then let them cool for 15 minutes.

You can choose whatever ice cream you want to add and enjoy your flower ice cream sandwich!

These were super yummy and were a perfect nighttime treat! Especially because we had them right out of the oven and the cookies were still warm.

Whatever recipe you choose, you surely will find something you enjoy! These recipes were thought up to share with others and embrace the springtime.

Make sure to also look out for our next post about spring appetizers which will be the other half of this one! 


This post was all about the 5 most adorable spring dishes.

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