If you haven’t found your go-to recipe yet, these yummy smoothie recipes might help!

yummy smoothie recipes

Most of the yummy smoothie recipes on this blog are super creamy and sweet, but I decided to switch it up and make something with a little more tartness.

So if you’re looking for something that won’t have the typical sweetness of most fairies, like strawberries and raspberries, but instead complements then this recipe is for you!

This orange creamsicle smoothie recipe is made for the summertime and warm weather, but if you have an orange tree, you can use it to make this during the winter.

Either way, you are sure to enjoy the fruits of your labor with this smoothie recipe.

This post is all about yummy smoothie recipes.

The best part about having several smoothie recipes that you can turn to is that they provide varying flavors so you are not drinking the same thing every time.

Whether you use smoothies as a go-to for breakfast, a snack, or a post-workout boost of energy, the different recipes can be used for any occasion, and don’t just do well for one time of the day.

(RELATED POST: Easy Post Workout Smoothie Recipe)

If you haven’t made a lot of smoothies before and are just discovering how amazing they are, you will also find out that they are a super easy way to get a lot of nutrients without having to eat them individually.

Because of all of the mixed flavors, it is easy to sneak in veggies that you won’t even notice once everything is combined.

Especially if you have a hard time eating certain foods that will provide you with a great source of nutrients and vitamins, smoothies are perfect for that. 

But even if that’s not something that you are aiming towards when drinking a smoothie, you will still get the benefits of all of those vitamins.

The best place to start when trying to figure out what kind of smoothie you want to make is to think about if you are craving anything in particular or are missing a crucial piece of a food group from your daily meals.

For example, if you are missing protein, you can add peanut butter or protein powder to your smoothie to help fill that gap.

Most of the food groups have a pretty simple solution that you can add to a smoothie that you may have lying around the house already.

Unless you’re looking for something super specific in particular, then you may have to go out and try and find it at the grocery store.

This orange creamsicle smoothie recipe uses many basic ingredients that you should be able to find at the store and can be used for many other recipes besides this one meaning that they are quite universal.

There are also tons of other recipes on the blog that utilize these ingredients so you won’t have to worry about buying a large amount of something, and then only using it once.

(RELATED POST: Tropical And Delicious Mango Summer Smoothie)

Let’s get to the recipe!

Out of all of the yummy smoothie recipes, this one might just be my favorite at the moment. Not only is it the perfect time for oranges, but you can make fresh squeezed orange juice with anything you have left over.

To get the measurements spot on, prepare these kitchen tools:

A blender

Measuring cups

A spoon

You don’t need measuring cups to make this recipe, however, it will help you get the ingredients exactly right. If you want to eyeball it instead, that works just as fine.

The spoon is also just to help you get the exact measurements, but you may want it to help scoop out the yogurt.

Moving onto the ingredients:

1 ½ Oranges

½ Banana

½ cup of Greek Yogurt

¼ cup of Milk 

4 Coconut Cubes

Oranges are a classic fruit that boosts your immune system, so it really is perfect timing that they happen to be in season during the wintertime when most people come down with colds. 

In that way, this smoothie is great for the colder times of the year when you want to help out your immune system without drinking straight orange juice all of the time.

It is also said that orange juice helps your body make collagen which can help skin growth and make it smoother. So if you want nicer skin, maybe this smoothie will help!

If you have not heard of coconut cubes before, they are pretty much just frozen coconut milk in the shape of ice cubes.

This is a great way to keep your smoothies cold while also adding a hint of coconut taste and an extra creamy layer on top of any other things you might add to your smoothie.

Especially if you tend to only use coconut milk for smoothies and don’t think you will be able to finish it before its expiration date, freezing it into coconut cubes is a super reliable way to ensure that you get the most out of the carton.

Adding coconut cubes to any smoothie gives it a sweet aftertaste and keeps it nice and cold.  I highly recommend making some of these not only for this recipe but for others as well.

Just to keep in mind though, you will need to have these coconut cubes already frozen and ready to go before making the smoothie if you want that extra hint of coconut.

If you don’t mind the consistency being a bit more liquid-y in your drink, but you still want the coconut taste, adding coconut milk at its regular temperature will do just that. This would be the alternative if you have not had enough time to freeze beforehand. 

Looking for the perfect-sized ice cube molds for your coconut cubes? These Ice Cube Trays from Amazon are a convenient size that makes it easy to quickly pack them into a container afterward.

After freezing, put them into a plastic container so you can use them again right after for more coconut cubes. Just keep it all in the freezer and they will be ready to use when you need them.

On top of all of that, coconut milk is high in antioxidants that fight against bacteria and promote good gut health. They are packed with nutrients that are amazing for your body and taste amazing at the same time!

(RELATED POST: Fan Favorite Choc Chip Smoothie Recipe)

Although I could go on and on about how amazing coconut cubes are for your smoothies, I will move on to the steps now. 

Step 1:

Slice and peel two oranges into halves and set aside one half. Add the orange halves, banana half, ½ cup of Greek yogurt, ¼ cup of milk, and 4 coconut cubes to a blender and mix together.

You do not need to add any banana if you prefer to exclude the taste from the smoothie, but it will mean that some of the creaminess from the fruit will be left out and you will get a tangy texture with a more apparent Greek yogurt flavor.

Step 2:

Without adding the banana, you may want to further change the taste of the smoothie. If you still want more of a prominent orange flavor after mixing, add the extra half of the orange and then taste.

You can either further alter the ingredients from here, or pour the smoothie into a glass and enjoy.

To dress it up, you can add some whipped cream to the top or just leave it as is for a super yummy smoothie recipes.

As a tip for adding the ingredients, you may want to start with less Greek yogurt and continue putting in more after taste-testing the result of the first time mixing.

Greek yogurt can be quite strong and sometimes overpowers the rest of the smoothie if you add too much at once. 

If you like the tart taste of Greek yogurt and want a lot of it in your smoothie, you can add the original amount.

Another option instead of adding Greek yogurt could be adding some other type of vanilla-flavored yogurt that will give the smoothie a creamy texture but won’t be as tart or overpowering. 

You will actually get a sweeter smoothie instead, and it will taste more like ice cream or an orange julius.

Peeling them by hand can be quite the experience, so make sure to peel over a trash can where you won’t have to worry about cleaning up any juice or loose peels.

Oranges are the sweetest during the end of the winter months and towards the spring months, so the window to get the most out of your oranges is not super big. 

And this is just one of the many, many, many recipes you can make with oranges. (They taste amazing in baked goods too!)

Including this orange creamsicle smoothie, oranges make some of the best smoothie recipes, so make sure to use them while they’re still good!

This post is all about yummy smoothie recipes.

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