Named after one of our favorite movie characters, this Mary Poppins-themed drink has the best simple cocktail instructions to make a fabulous martini. 

cocktail drinks recipes

Great for a hot summer day or a small get-together, the blend of raspberry and orange is delightful and refreshing. 

Without being too tart, this cocktail has just enough of a fruity taste to make it sweet but not overpower the delicate balance of flavors.

A Mary Poppins cocktail is great for pictures, and with the light shining through the drink, it makes an Instagram-worthy masterpiece.

This post is all about the most beautiful and scrumptious Mary Poppins cocktail for a nice night out of relaxation. 

As our evenings are getting warmer, more and more people are wanting to take advantage of the nice weather and spend time outside.

Whether it’s a huge party or a small get-together with family, we can all agree that there is something magical about enjoying the outdoors with people we want to talk with.

What could be better than sharing this wonderful weather with yummy foods and drinks?

The greatest addition to your family or friends’ (or both) gatherings, is the Mary Poppins Martini!

It really is the perfect blend of raspberry and orange, and it creates an amazing flavor that is not too sour, not too sweet, and not too tart.

If you don’t like alcohol but have a friend who may enjoy this recipe, just smelling it is enough to sense what the taste might be like. 

And for beginners who may want to try this recipe but aren’t too familiar with the terminology or materials needed, we will list those down below so you are prepared.

First of all, you will need some sort of cocktail shaker set that has a strainer, a muddler, a jigger, and a shaker. 

This one is fairly inexpensive but also good quality for the price and has everything you will need for these cocktail instructions and any other drink you may want to try in the future. 

cocktail recipes

The Esmula Cocktail Shaker Set from Amazon

Next, you will want to know what the word muddle means. Although it may sound like ‘muggle’, the words are actually completely different.

Muddle: the act of gently pressing down on herbs or fruits while twisting slightly to release the juice and flavors.

Now that you have a cocktail shaker set and know all of the possibly unknown words used in the instructions, it’s time to get into it!

Tips For This Martini:

1. Wash and dry your raspberries. 

It is important to wash your raspberries and dry them so they are clean before you get started. If they are not completely dry, then the water could water down the flavor of the raspberry. 

Even though you are not including the whole raspberry in the finished drink, the water will transfer over and may alter the taste at the end.

2. Pick a large enough glass.

This cocktail calls for a bigger glass unless you plan on splitting it in half for two people. You wouldn’t want to pour almost all of it into the glass, then once you’ve drunk that pour the rest in. 

It adds time to unnecessary steps and also postpones when you can clean your dishes.

3. Clean as you go.

Just like with any other recipe, it’s important and often very helpful to clean the materials you use as you go. It ultimately saves time and space.

There are a couple of steps in these instructions that require the same tool to be used for multiple ingredients, so rinsing it off with water is how you should prep it for the next steps.

4. Set up everything beforehand.

Especially if you aren’t familiar with cocktail tools or the ingredients used, it can be super handy to have everything ready before you start. 

A French term that we think of often is ‘mise en place’. This means having everything prepped and organized beforehand.

During the mixing process, we keep all tools and the workspace clean so there is less to tidy up at the end.

With every recipe, setting up everything can help prevent a missing ingredient halfway into the instructions. That way, you can check things off the list as you set up.

Now that we’ve covered the top tips you need to remember and think about while going into these cocktail instructions, let’s cover the materials you will need:

A cobbler shaker: used to mix the drink together, you won’t need more than one, everything will be put into the shaker before being poured into your cup.

A muddler: used to muddle the raspberries and blend the raspberries and raspberry vodka.

A strainer: there is one included in the cocktail set mentioned above, but if you prefer not to get one, then a regular strainer may work.

A martini glass: or, if you don’t care what type of cup holds your drink, any cup will do. 

Moving on to the ingredients:

1 oz of Triple Sec: an orange-flavored clear liqueur 

1.5 oz of Raspberry Vodka: a bitter and sweet taste that’s similar to red wines that accentuates the preexisting flavors

2 oz of Orange Juice

Ginger Ale

3-5 Raspberries


*You will need one raspberry as a garnish towards the end, so make sure to have one more to set on the side.*

The garnish is not necessary but contributes to the artistic impression of the drink.

It would be a good idea to have these items prepared in order to ensure a smooth drink-making experience and easy access to everything within reach.

This martini is super simple to make and takes less than five minutes! Happy mixing!

Cocktail Instructions:

Step 1:

Grab the cobbler shaker and put in 3 to 5 raspberries along with the 1.5 ounces of Raspberry Vodka.

Use the jigger to properly measure the vodka, then rinse out immediately.

Step 2:

Use the muddler to muddle the raspberries and Raspberry Vodka. This process shouldn’t take more than about 30 seconds.

The muddler should be rinsed off right away to get the raspberry seeds and fruit juice off of the bottom.

Step 3:

Add 1 ounce of Triple Sec, 2 ounces of orange juice, and about a full cup’s worth of ice cubes. (This is usually 5 to 6 cubes.)

Use the jigger again to measure the Triple Sec and orange juice, then rinse out between each use.

Step 4:

Shake for 10 to 15 seconds or until chilled and use a strainer to strain the drink into a Martini glass or whatever cup you are using. 

Wash the strainer out right away to rinse the seeds away.

Step 5:

Pour Ginger Ale into the glass, the amount depends on your desired taste and preferences. However, you don’t need to add that much, we added about 6 to 7 ounces to our martini.

Simply put: you can add more or less Ginger Ale to your cocktail depending on how strong you want your drink to be. Another factor that can weigh into how much you pour is the size and type of your glass.

Step 6:

Done! Time to take a break and unwind while you sip on your Mary Poppins Martini. A perfect drink to complement the warm weather and enjoy the sunshine.

On the chance that you don’t happen to finish your cocktail, you can store it in the fridge. We recommend that you don’t leave it sitting for more than three to four days.

After that, there is a chance of bacteria growth in your drink and it could be considered unsafe to drink. 

And that’s it! This is a great recipe to make for yourself or for friends when you need to set aside time to unwind. 

Mary Poppins Martini | Cocktail Instructions

This martini is a super sweet and delicious drink for any weather!
Course Drinks
Servings 1 person


  • 1 Cobbler Shaker
  • 1 Muddler
  • 1 Strainer
  • 1 Martini Glass


  • 1 oz Triple Sec
  • 1.5 oz Raspberry Vodka
  • 2 oz Orange Juice
  • Ginger Ale
  • 3-5 Raspberries
  • Ice Cubes


  • Grab the Cobbler Shaker and put in 3 to 5 Raspberries along with the 1.5 oz of Raspberry Vodka.
  • Use the Muddler to muddle the Raspberries and Raspberry Vodka.
  • Add 1 oz of Triple Sec, 2 oz of Orange Juice, and a full cup's worth of Ice Cubes.
  • Shake for 10 to 15 seconds or until chilled and use a Strainer to strain the drink into a Martini Glass or whatever cup you're using.
  • Pour Ginger Ale into the glass, the amount depends on your desired taste.
  • Done!
Keyword alcoholic

If you aren’t familiar with mixing cocktails, these tips and tricks would be good to keep in mind if you decide to try new recipes in the future.

Additionally, if you love this cocktail and want to try to make another one, we have another blog post that may be of interest to you!

This Ultimate Rainbow Paradise Cocktail is a sweet and fruity drink that displays the most beautiful colors. 

the ultimate rainbow paradise cocktail

Click here to look at this delicious recipe!

This one is a little bit more advanced, but if you follow the directions and remember to keep your workspace clean and tidy, your experience should be smooth.

And if you are looking to include kiddos in your time of relaxation, this fun tropical smoothie may do the trick! 

smoothie recipes

This Tropical And Delicious Mango Summer Smoothie is perfect and will give them the feeling of being on vacation.

It only needs four ingredients and the end result is scrumptious!

This smoothie also is great for easy cleanup and the recipe can be doubled for two people or divided, depending on how much you want to have.

Whether it be an alternative or a completely different thing, there is always an option for everyone.

This cocktail is super fun and let us know if you try it and what you think!

This post is all about a simple but tasteful martini named after Mary Poppins, with super easy-to-follow cocktail instructions. 

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