This post is all about the simplest cocktail recipe template you can use to formulate your drinks!

cocktail recipe template

There are some really cool cocktails out there that may inspire you to make your own. Or maybe you already have something in mind but have no idea what steps to take from there.

This cocktail recipe template will help you formulate a plan, or at least give you enough of an idea so that you can figure out what you want to do.

Mixing flavors and textures is so much fun, but can sometimes seem overwhelming if you are inexperienced or unsure.

This post will show you the best cocktail recipe template for you to follow and help you create the best drink(s) ever!

If you are a fan of drinks, this blog post is for you! I will give a couple of examples as well as PLENTY of options for you to pick and choose from.

Are these for a party or event with children who also want to feel special? Not to worry, you can opt-out for a ginger beer or Sprite instead. The ingredients may be slightly different, but the process should stay relatively the same.

Or if you just prefer non-alcoholic drinks for yourself, the choice is up to you. That’s what is so great about making your own from a template!

This is something that you can keep going back to whenever you feel creative and want to try something different or just would like to make a new concoction in your free time.

Depending on what ingredients you use, you may need a more specialized set of materials, but if that is something you don’t have, there are alternatives you can come up with using your basic kitchen tools.

You may need to think outside the box to solve some of them, but most are just a couple of extra simple steps.

I will also give some examples if you don’t have any special materials, because if you don’t make cocktails often or any professional drinks at all, there is a good chance you won’t have them.

Now that we’ve got that out of the way, we can move on to the drinks! Or rather, how to make the drinks!

Steps For A Balanced Cocktail:

First off, most bartenders use something called the ‘three-part rule’ to create balanced cocktails. This makes them well-rounded and serves as an overall very basic guideline to follow.

Just like the name implies, the ‘three-part rule’ involves dividing the ingredients of a cocktail into its three main components. These would be the base spirit, the modifier, and the flavoring or garnish. 

For those who have no idea what I’m talking about, I was once there too! Once you get the hang of it, the language is quite simple!

The base spirit is the base hard liquor that is added to the cocktail and makes up its foundation. A modifier is an ingredient that is added to enhance or weaken the flavor of the base spirit. 

The flavoring or garnish is just an added touch that puts some flavor into your cocktail while giving it a nice visual finish. 

For a completely even cocktail, add ⅓ of each. Or if you need more of a visual aid:

⅓ of the base spirit

⅓ of the modifier

⅓ of the flavoring or garnish

By only adding this amount to your drink, it creates a harmonious blend of flavors that balance each other out instead of clashing. 

(RELATED POST: Mary Poppins Martini | Cocktail Instructions)

You may be asking: ‘But what ingredients should I add now?’

Depending on what you’re trying to make, it may be difficult to distinguish which ingredients fall under which categories. Unless you have expert-level experience, keep scrolling for some additional ideas!

Or if you don’t already have an idea of the type of cocktail you want to make, here are some example ingredients that may spark your interest. You can treat this as a choose-your-own-adventure type of thing.

Base Spirits:








Believe it or not, these are just some of the many, MANY different options you can add to a cocktail as its base.

You can use most hard alcohols as a base, but remember to use the three-part rule! If you add too much at first, then your cocktail will be WAY too strong.

Start off with somewhere between ½ oz and 1 oz of each ingredient before tasting, then adjust the amounts individually from there.

Next up, modifiers can take SO many different textures and forms, but here are a few of the well-known ones.


Ginger Beer


Soda Water

Simple Syrup 



Depending on what you choose, the outcome of the taste of your cocktail will be completely different. If you decide not to go with any of these, there are many more that you can choose from! 

Most modifiers have some sort of super strong sweet or sour taste, which is what will transform the flavor of your cocktail from just being hard liquor. 

If you really want to get crazy with your recipe, just think of anything that fills at least one of those requirements and try it out!

Lastly, if you’re looking to add flavoring or garnish, these are some you may want to consider. 


Citrus Wedge


Fresh Berries




Most fresh fruits can be used as a garnish, as well as many common herbs. Depending on the drink, spices are sometimes used instead as flavoring.

They are added not only for the additional flavor but also for the presentation they contribute to your cocktail.

This cocktail recipe template is perfect if you love creating new flavors and combinations, or even if you don’t, it serves as a good starting point for you to go off of.

Not only are you given several examples of what to add, but also what it may look like altogether.

(RELATED POST: The Ultimate Rainbow Paradise Cocktail)

Now, you could totally stop here. BUT, if you are still super confused about what you’re doing or how to make a cocktail that will taste good, follow along for some examples!

For ingredients and materials, let’s pretend these are what you use:

Dark Rum


Ginger Beer


Simple Syrup


Lime Juice 

Lime Wedge

12 oz Cup

After you gather all of these things, you can move on to formulating the cocktail. For this example, you will be creating two well-known drinks.

To recreate a Dark N’ Stormy, these are the steps and ingredients you would need:

Fill a glass with ice to the brim (you can use the 12 oz cup)

Pour 2 oz of Dark Rum and top with 3 ⅓ oz of Ginger Beer

Garnish with a lime wedge

Although these measurements aren’t exactly one-to-one, they are close. When making your own drink, start with even amounts of each, and add to taste.

Still not very sure you can make one on your own yet? Not to worry, this example may help with that.

Let’s try another one!

To recreate a Gimlet, follow these steps:

Fill a mixing glass with ice

Add 2 oz of Gin and ½ oz of Lime Juice

Add ½ oz of Simple Syrup (optional)

Stir and strain into a chilled glass

Garnish with a lime wedge

Both of these recipes have already established the perfect amount for the desired taste, but if you are trying to create your own cocktail, remember to start small and add from there.

It is easy to add ingredients but hard to go back. You often just have to start back from the beginning.

Translating these to non-alcoholic drinks is a little harder, but you can still include a modifier and a flavoring or garnish.

For example, you could use soda water and add some sort of sweetener, just like a Sherley Temple. 

Without adding a base spirit, you can make a drink without any alcohol. This could also make a fun game for parties if you have enough extra ingredients lying around!

Trying to make a cocktail without one of the three parts could be an interesting experience and test your skills.

Even without it being a game, it may be fun to try new things out at home, so you always have child-friendly options when you do break out alcoholic drinks.

Hopefully, these recipes and examples help you figure out your perfect cocktail recipe! You can also take inspiration from other recipes and piggyback to get the hang of it.

Sometimes the best way to learn how to do something is by putting your own twist on a recipe that already exists. 

You may really like your creation, or think it needs even more changing to make it the flavor you want to achieve. Before you know it, you will have made your very own cocktail recipe!

This post was all about the simplest cocktail recipe template you can use to formulate your drinks.

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