Cheap easy meals for one can be hard to think of if you don’t already know what you want to make.

cheap easy meals

Whether you just moved out and are living on your own for the first time, or you just need something you can make without having tons of leftovers, this meal is perfect.

The prices of ingredients have increased so much within the past year, so you may need to buy in bulk and then divide them up over several uses.

Once you get the hang of identifying what foods you like and are willing to make a recurring meal out of them, it becomes easier to go through the process from start to finish.

This post is all about cheap easy meals for one.

One of the problems that a lot of people run into when trying to successfully buy and make food for themselves is that there are tons of ingredients that are super cheap, but often the products are in bulk.

This means you may have to decide between buying more for a good deal or buying less at a more expensive price.

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To find a balance between the two, you can find foods that you enjoy and that have a long shelf life, then specifically just buy those in bulk. All of your fresh produce will be what you have to continuously restock.

If you choose to buy fresh ingredients in bulk, then you can make your recipe at the beginning of the week and eat it multiple days in a row. If not, then you can prolong the time between eating the exact same meal.

For this specific post, we will be focusing on one recipe, spaghetti and meatballs. 

There is a good balance between fresh ingredients and those with a longer shelf life, so you can make this recipe multiple times or out at once and then eat over the course of several days.

Spaghetti and meatballs is a super simple recipe that doesn’t require much skill or time so it is also perfect for those who may not be as confident in the kitchen.

Because the recipe is so quick, it can be whipped up in less than 20 minutes 

Feel free to add your own ingredients or create your own recipe, or you can keep it simple. Spaghetti and meatballs are a great dish because of the many different ways you can make it! 

Not to mention, spaghetti and meatballs cover many of the main food groups, so if you’re worried about eating specific nutrients, they will either already be in the recipe or you can add them.

Depending on how much time you have on your hands, you can choose to buy some of these ingredients ready-made, or you can make them yourself.

For this recipe, you will need:

Spaghetti noodles-

You can go with the classic spaghetti noodles, or you choose another shape, like a bow tie or penne. However, you may want to check directions if you pick a very different shape, because the cooking instructions may be different.


While salt is technically an optional ingredient, it does help add flavor to the noodles. If you don’t happen to have salt on hand, however, your recipe will still turn out great.

Pasta sauce-

This is one of the ingredients that you can buy ready-made or from scratch. Whatever way you make it, the time you spend shouldn’t be too long.

If you want a fresher taste, you may want to make the pasta sauce yourself. If you are trying to save time, sauce from the store will be the best choice.


Parmesan is the classic cheese for spaghetti and meatballs, but if you don’t have access to Parmesan or prefer another type, use that instead.

Some of my personal favorites are Parmesan, Gouda, and White Cheddar.


Meatballs are the other ingredient that you can buy from the store already made, or cook them yourself.

Making them yourself means that you can control the flavor, so if you happen to be picky with your meatballs or have food allergies, you are sure to enjoy the ones you make from scratch.

This can also apply to pasta, if you have a preference over the noodle ingredients, you can make your own so they can be eaten by everyone. 

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As for an optional side, I chose to have a salad with the spaghetti and meatball dish.


Either prepackaged from the store or put together at home, salad is a light and nutritious side that complements the spaghetti and meatballs without taking away.

Especially because the flavors from the pasta sauce and spices can be super prominent, salad doesn’t mess up the taste or make a weird combination of foods when eaten together. 

My favorite salad to add on the side is a Caesar salad, but there are so many possibilities for what you could make, and there are plenty of options that vary in price for your range.

Speaking of, the different decisions you could make regarding what you add to your pasta or make as a side dish are virtually endless.

An example of this would be instead of making meatballs, you could add beef to the pasta sauce and include protein that way.

You could also choose to add an additional side like bread with butter or cheesy garlic bread. 

Of course, all of these sides are optional, and you may only want to consider them if you have the time to spare or know you are going to be very hungry.

I suggest making as much as you think you’re going to eat because sometimes the extra sides don’t do well when put with the leftovers. 

With all of that information out there, we can move on to the simple yet tried and true spaghetti and meatballs recipe that is the perfect cheap easy meal for one.

Remember that if there is anything you want to add or take out, you can take this recipe in a different direction.

Step 1:

Fill a large pot with five to six cups of water, then put over high heat. Sprinkle the water with salt, only add as much as you prefer. Bring the water to a boil. 

Step 2:

Add your noodles to the pot and make sure they are completely submerged. Let them sit for 12 to 13 minutes, stirring occasionally.

If you prefer a softer texture, you can let them sit for an extra one to two minutes.

Step 3:

While your noodles are boiling, get your pasta sauce and a medium-sized saucepan. Pour the desired amount of sauce into the pan and turn it on medium heat. You can leave the pasta sauce on the heat until you are ready to serve.

Step 4:

Grab another medium-sized saucepan and put 5 to 7 meatballs on it over the stove at medium-high heat.

If you want them crispy, you can also opt to put them in an air fryer. Either way, let them heat up for 5 to 10 minutes.

Step 5:

Prepare your cheese, whether that is a bag full of already grated cheese or one that you must grate yourself. Once the cheese is ready, you can start to assemble your meal.

Step 6:

Hopefully your noodles are ready by this point, and you can pour them out into a strainer. Your dish is almost complete! 

Step 7:

If you have any extra sides or are making something from your own ingredients, like salad, you will want to do that once everything is heating up.

Step 8:

Time to assemble! you may now put together your spaghetti and meatball dish and enjoy. Make sure you remember to drink something like water as well to stay hydrated.

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Similar to other dishes, spaghetti and meatballs are great at any time of the year. Whether you make it in the winter or summer. It’s a super delicious and comforting meal that can be made in a ton of different ways.

If you don’t make them directly from home, spaghetti noodles are also a great item that you can stock up on. These cheap easy meals for one have a very long shelf life so you don’t have to worry very often about making them before they expire or go bad.

This can also be applied to pasta sauce, as long as you don’t open the jar the contents inside can last for quite a while.

Not only is this meal cheap but also a great one to save for later!

Make sure to save these cheap easy meals for one for your next shopping trip, and then you can choose when you want to use the ingredients.

With so many options for different combinations, you could eat the same thing every week and make it taste completely different!

This post is all about cheap easy meals for one: a super flexible spaghetti and meatballs recipe.

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