This post is all about an ice cream smoothie bowl recipe that will have you hooked.

If you’ve ever made a smoothie bowl before, chances are that you’ve probably noticed how similar the consistency is to ice cream.

 Maybe you even substitute ice cream for the smoothie bowl if you want a healthier alternative because of the same texture. 

Either way, the two are very comparable. So why not purposefully turn it into ice cream?

 There are so many fruits that you could put into a smoothie bowl to make it into whatever you want!

This post is all about a super yummy ice cream smoothie bowl. 

This recipe is so easy and quick to make that you can prepare it from start to finish in under 5 minutes. It truly is worth giving a try!

Before you attempt this, make sure you have a powerful blender that can easily make smoothie bowls. It may be a little more difficult if you have an older model because the engine is weaker and the blades are duller.

I had this problem the first time I tried making smoothie bowls, and ended up getting another blender so I could make them.

With an older blender, you may need to turn your smoothie bowl into a smoothie.

Next up, one of the ingredients, ‘coconut cubes’, needs to be prepared ahead of time and may take a couple of hours.

To make coconut cubes, pour coconut milk into an ice cube tray and let it freeze completely before taking it out. Then they will be ready to use for smoothies and smoothie bowls.

Coconut cubes have become my go-to frozen ingredient for most of my recipes because not only do they add some protein and nutrients, but also make your drink taste sweeter without adding any artificial flavoring or sugars.

They are super easy to make and after they are completely frozen you can pop them into a container so they aren’t exposed.

If you don’t like coconut or are allergic, the next best options would be almond milk or oat milk and you can freeze them in the same way.

The frozen aspect just adds a little bit of thickness to your drink as well as keeping it cold.

Now that we’ve established that, we can move on to the fun stuff!

These are the ingredients you will need for this recipe:

1 medium-sized banana

1 cup of frozen blueberries

7 coconut cubes

½ cup of milk

2 handfuls of chocolate chips (optional)

This 4 (or 5) ingredient smoothie bowl is so yummy and delicious. The texture really resembles ice cream!

The chocolate chips are totally optional, so you can choose between a regular blueberry smoothie bowl and a chocolate-covered blueberry bowl.

If you add the chocolate chips, make sure you add them last. Mix everything together before putting in the chocolate to prevent it from blending up completely.

Adding them after everything else has been blended together gives you complete control over how big or small the chunks get.

And that’s it! This ice cream smoothie bowl is super quick and easy, and you can take out or include whatever you want to make the perfect recipe for you!

If you like this smoothie bowl and want to check out more recipes, you can find them here: Smoothies.

This blueberry bowl was modeled off of and inspired by the vanilla chocolate chip smoothie recipe, so you may want to check this one out as well. 

Pairing this ice cream smoothie bowl with a snack is a great way to re-energize yourself after a long day, or right before several hours of work.

(RELATED POST: 11 Must-Have Snacks For Home)

What if you want to take it to-go? 

Make sure you put your yummy smoothie bowl into a closed container with a spoon or add more milk to make it a thinner consistency and turn it into a smoothie. 

We hope you enjoy this smoothie bowl as much as we do!

This post was all about an ice cream smoothie bowl recipe that will have you hooked!

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