This post is all about healthy snacks that taste good.

healthy snacks that taste good

Are you running out of ideas for healthy snacks because you can’t find any that you actually want to eat?

It can be hard to look for and keep healthy snacks that taste good, especially if you are a picky eater or dislike a lot of common foods that are used in healthy snacks.

Whether you already have a couple of go-to foods or none at all, this list will provide you with some ideas and recipes that you can remake and enjoy!

And remember, if you can make your food at home, it will be healthier than going out and buying something packaged from the store.

This post is all about the best healthy snacks that taste good.

There are so many great healthy snacks, but it can be tough to find ones that you like if you don’t know where to look. Or if you have a preset idea in your mind about what you consider to be a healthy snack.

You may immediately think of low-calorie, straight-from-the-ground foods that don’t have any artificial aspect or human interference.

However, there are tons of other foods that make super yummy and delicious healthy snacks.

These are some of the things to look out for:

If you don’t have a lot of time to prepare but still want something fresh, you can choose fruit or veggies. Most of them are fairly easy to package and won’t be much of a mess.

Fruit is a really great healthy snack to turn to if you’re craving something sweet as well.

During the summertime, watermelon is a yummy and popular fruit that you can find at any of your local grocery stores.

It also tastes amazing as juice!

There are so many different foods that you can also pair with fruit and vegetables, which makes them an ideal snack.

Especially when you expand that to baking and cooking the fruit into something else, there truly are endless possibilities for what you could make with them.

Now that we’ve covered those, we can move onto the official list!

Here are the best healthy snacks to make:


I can go on and on about how amazing smoothies are, and if you read any of my other blog posts, you’ll know just how much content we have on them.

Smoothies are so amazing because not only do they incorporate some of the delicious, healthy snacks like fruits and veggies, but you can also add other foods to make it even more nourishing

You can customize your smoothie to your needs and add the nutrients you need from there.

For example, if you want a protein-filled snack, you could add protein powder. If you wanted a nutrient-rich smoothie, you could add spinach.

(RELATED POST: An Insanely Yummy Must-Try Green Smoothie)

There really are so many possibilities and combinations when it comes to making your own smoothie, and most of the time they only take a couple of minutes.

They can be filling enough, so you don’t need to worry about being hungry before your next meal, so next time you don’t know what to make for a snack, consider making a smoothie! 

Kale chips-

For some reason, I don’t hear a lot about kale chips, and how great they are. Not only are they super easy to make but after you turn them into chips, you can store them for a couple of days.

These are pretty delicate and brittle, however, so you may not want to try scooping anything up with your kale chips. They are best eaten alone but you can always add another snack to balance the saltiness if you choose.

Consider making this as your next healthy snack if you are looking for something that won’t take very long to make but has a nice, crunchy texture.

Speaking of chips, up next there are:

Apple chips-

Going back to the fruit theme, apple chips are not only delicious but are easy to store and take with you on a day trip.

They still taste just as sweet as fresh apples, but last longer and don’t have any juice, which makes them less messy!

These have been my go-to for car rides and when I need a quick bite to eat because they are pretty cheap and I don’t have to worry about the expiration date coming up so soon.

Apple chips are great, but there are also tons of other fruit chips that are just as good and can be a substitute.

Some of these include banana chips and coconut chips. Any type of fruit chip is perfect to have on hand if you are craving something sweet but don’t want the mess of fresh fruit. 

Dried fruit-

Mainly, just a preference, dried fruit is another option if you would rather do that instead of fruit chips.

The differences are mainly in the process by which they are made so you have a choice between crunchy or soft.

Scrambled or Fried Eggs-

Scrambled eggs are really good for breakfast, but that doesn’t mean that eggs can only be eaten at breakfast time.

Because they are filled with so much protein, they can make a really great snack too. Not to mention that they are so easy to make, and just as quick to clean up.

I often find myself craving scrambled eggs after my workouts so I make those with a smoothie and it keeps my stomach from grumbling until dinner time.

(RELATED POST: Easy Post Workout Smoothie Recipe)

You can leave them plain or add garnishes, like tomatoes, cheese, or onions! Whatever you want to add, you can turn a regular healthy snack of eggs into a delicious, five-star appetizer.

If you really feel like spending a lot of time on your dish, you can add them to a crêpe and make a super yummy blend of flavors.

When you think about it, there are a lot of breakfast foods that also make really good snacks!

(RELATED POST: Healthy Breakfast Ideas For Work)

Just like the next healthy snack on the list:

Peanut Butter Toast-

Definitely more filling than scrambled eggs, but if you really wanted to, you could put a fried one on top!

This protein-packed food is non-time consuming, easy to make, and the perfect size to subside your hunger without making you full. 

Peanut butter toast is also just a comforting snack that can make you feel all warm inside, especially if you make your toast super crispy and the peanut butter melts into the perfect texture.

Now for my personal favorite:

Pressed Juice Popsicles-

You may be asking yourself, “What the heck is that?”

Pressed juice popsicles are pretty much exactly what they sound like.

This one may be a little bit more difficult to make, especially if you don’t have a cold press juicer or something to turn your fruits and veggies into juice.

If you’re interested in making this healthy snack or looking for a new cold press juicer, I recommend this one from Amazon.

Aeitto Cold Press Juicer from Amazon

You will also need a popsicle mold to pour your juice into, and you can find one like this on Amazon as well.

Homemade Popsicle Molds Shapes from Amazon

Pressed juice popsicles make a great activity to do with little ones or a long party where kids can choose what fruits they want in their popsicle and then have it once it’s ready.

What makes this healthy snack so special is that you can customize it, and that aspect makes it so much fun.

There is something so cool about getting to be a part of the process set by step, and in this case, you can mix and match a bunch of different fruits and vegetables to create a unique blend of juices to make the ultimate popsicle.

If you don’t want to go through the process of juicing yourself, you can also buy juice from the store and just skip the first step.

They will taste just as good, but you may have to stick to just one juice if you do that instead.

And that wraps up the list! There are so many different options you could go with and take these healthy snacks to the next level.

Of course, that kind of depends on how much time you have and how experimental you want to be.

Most of these healthy snacks that taste good include fruits and veggies without specifying exact Foods for the most part because your personal preference matters and influences what snacks you make.

Because most of these are fruits, they are super helpful if you’re trying to shift away from artificial sugar.

When you start craving something sweet, you can turn to these instead of candy or chocolate if that is something you’re working towards.

Do you have other healthy snacks that weren’t added to the list? Comment down below so others can see your ideas!

This post was all about the best healthy snacks that taste good.

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