It can be challenging to try to find healthy snacks for picky eaters. Sometimes it’s the taste or the texture, but there are only a select few foods that gain approval.

healthy snacks for picky eaters

Being a picky eater myself, I have had many similar hardships, which is why this post was written. To shed some light on foods that may have not previously been considered.

Even if you don’t find yourself shunning away from many foods, this list is still full of delicious snacks that are worth checking out.

Healthy snacks for picky eaters can be hard to find, so hopefully you can try or share some of the healthy snacks listed below.

This post is all about 11 tempting healthy snacks for picky eaters.

Maybe you have kids who are still trying to figure out what foods they like, or you yourself have difficulty finding foods that you enjoy. 

These healthy snack ideas contain a variety of sweet and savory foods that you can eat at any time. A couple of them need to be kept cool if they are taken with you, but there will be information on that for each one.

Once you are comfortable with your range of snack options, you can keep them stocked in your kitchen and/or pantry. (If you like to snack, that is.)

There are also some great neutral ones for guests if you prefer to have something out when people come over.

Whatever you use them for, these healthy snacks for picky eaters are sure to make someone happy. 

It does not feel good when everyone else has something they enjoy eating at a get-together, and you’re the only one who’s not eating because you don’t like the food. But, you still feel left out from excluding yourself from the experience.

I always felt so relieved when I went to a party and there was food that I could eat and liked. I felt more included in what everyone else was doing and didn’t have to go hungry for the duration of my stay.

While these healthy snacks are not limited just to picky eaters, these are foods that picky eaters should like and enjoy.

Let’s move on!

If you’re struggling to find yummy snack foods that are also healthy and have the nutrients you may need or be missing, this post is the place to go.

What to eat if you’re picky:


I know I say this a lot, but smoothies are super delicious and filling if you’re looking for that kind of snack. 

Even if you do not want something that’s going to be super heavy, there are plenty of good ingredients that you can add to make the smoothie lighter and avoid feeling full the next time you eat a meal.

There are so many different recipes out there that you are sure to find one that you will enjoy!

You can check out our Smoothies page for some of those recipes, we have a variety for all throughout the day depending on what you’re craving.

Some of my personal favorites are:

This Raspberry Smoothie Bowl Recipe:

raspberry smoothie bowl

You can turn it into a smoothie if you add more milk, but I prefer to keep it in a smoothie bowl! It tastes just like chocolate and raspberry ice cream and has the spot as #1 on my list!

It’s super quick and easy to make because there aren’t many ingredients, and you can split it evenly between two people for a slightly smaller proportion if you don’t think you will eat it all.

I could go on and on about how amazing this recipe is, but I’ll let you try it for yourself first!

If you’re looking for something more tropical, our page has something for that, too.

This Tropical Smoothie Recipe is perfect for you if that’s what you’re looking for!

smoothie recipes

This smoothie has the perfect blend of mango and pineapple and is super thick and creamy. It makes a great weekend treat when the sun is shining, or if you’re just reminiscing the summertime.

Maybe you make this smoothie because you like tropical fruits over regular ones like strawberries and blueberries. That’s okay too, that’s why we have options!

If you want to turn this smoothie into a dessert, I suggest adding vanilla ice cream to the blend. Your smoothie will become a milkshake!

Moving swiftly on,

Kale Chips-

You may be asking yourself: Kale chips? Really?

Yes! This superfood is very delectable when paired with some olive oil and sea salt. They are light and super easy to make.

The olive oil makes them crispy and they don’t taste like how you would expect. The sea salt adds a nice salty flavor so the kale flavor isn’t very strong.

Better yet, kale chips don’t need to be kept cool, so you can throw them into a baggie or container to bring with you wherever you go.

String Cheese-

Dainty strips of cheese with the most convenient packaging! I remember this being the pinnacle of snacks when I was a kid, and it was so fun to try and get the thinnest strands possible and make it last a long time.

Kid or not, string cheese makes a very nice snack. It typically tastes the best when eaten cold, so if you plan on bringing this snack with you, maybe take an ice pack.


Along with smoothies, I may sound like a broken record at this point. But there are so many types of fruits that it is impossible to go wrong.

As a fan of chocolate who has been trying to limit her intake, fruits have become my best friend. They are still super sweet but contain antibiotics and vitamins that are good for you.

Depending on the fruit, this one can get messy, so make sure you prepare with the proper sealed container and possibly some napkins!


This one can be broadened to straight granola or granola bars. Granola bars are great healthy snacks for kids on the way to school in the morning, or you can have granola with milk and make your own ‘cereal’.

Fortunately, granola is super scrumptious with a bunch of different foods and drinks to make an even yummier snack.

What do we mean?

Fruit Parfaits-

Not just something you can have for breakfast, fruit parfaits have a good mix of dairy, fruit, and carbs! (Along with a perfect texture from the crunch of the granola.)

You can find some premade ones at the store, or you can make your own for a super fresh flavor. If you want special fruit in the parfait that you can’t find already at the store, then making your own is the best option.


If you’re not wanting any fruit, you can also go with vegetables. Veggies like broccoli and carrots taste really good with ranch and make a nice mid-day snack when you want something healthy to eat without filling up.

Another combo you can try is celery and peanut butter, the peanut butter adds flavor and makes it a great snack for people who like these foods.

Or if you’re feeling like something new, artichoke and mayonnaise is definitely a snack to try. This may not be for everyone, but if you’re picky, you may end up liking this.


Depending on what veggies and toppings you put into your salad, you can turn this into a meal. However, if you just want a healthy snack, this one is nice and easy to make. 

Just like the fruit parfait, you can find some good premade salads at your local grocery stores, but if you prefer to have fresh ingredients or want to add something that you can’t get from the store.

Cheese and Crackers-

Now you’re not restricted to string cheese! Cheese and crackers have been a delectable combination for so long, you just need to find a type of cheese and crackers that you enjoy and go together.

If you want something a little different, you can shred cheese over the crackers and heat them in the microwave for 30-45 seconds to make homemade nachos that are absolutely delicious!

Dried Fruit-

This snack is specifically good to put in your bag or car for the road. It doesn’t need to be kept hot or cold and still tastes sweet. 

You can find tons of options at Trader Joe’s if you can access them, and I personally rely on them as my car snacks!

Banana Muffins-

Specifically, mini muffins! We have a delicious recipe on our website that has become a fan favorite. They don’t last long and are usually gone within 3-4 days.

Mini muffins in general are great to have around for a quick bite, although usually they keep you coming back for more. 

Even if you don’t like bananas, you may like these muffins. They have other flavors that can overpower the taste of bananas.

These are The Best Flourless Banana Muffins Of 2023:

healthy muffin recipe

We added mini chocolate chips for an extra kick, but the muffins are just as scrumptious without them if you so choose to go without them.

And we are through all of them! 

I hope all of the picky eaters find something that they really like and enjoy and can fall back on when they are hungry, instead of pondering for minutes on end what to eat.

If I missed anything, add it to the comments so others can see what works for you!

Have fun with these recipes, and feel free to add your own personal touch to them!

This post was all about the 11 tempting healthy snacks for picky eaters.

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