Does anyone else love healthy smoothies with almond milk? Because we do!

healthy smoothie recipes

Stereotypical healthy smoothies can often take on the image of green smoothies with only leafy greens and veggies.

But in reality, smoothies are already pretty healthy, and if you use fresh fruit, you are fulfilling that expectation.

It can be so exhausting to try to find dairy-free drinks and snacks that are not only easy to make but actually taste good. 

That’s why we created this recipe! (And also because almond milk is delicious.)

We also learned about the power of peanut butter, which adds a savory/sweet element to your smoothie that can either be super thick or complement the other ingredients without taking away from the flavors you want to stand out.

This post is all about healthy smoothies with almond milk. And we will be getting into our new strawberry peanut butter smoothie recipe!

Was anyone else obsessed with peanut butter and jelly sandwiches as a kid?

Or maybe as you grew up, you started to appreciate the delectable combination that has become one of the most famous duos for years.

Even if you haven’t had the chance to get into it, this recipe will allow you to do so. As long as you’re not allergic, take the opportunity to try something new and throw caution to the wind!

If you are already in love with this iconic duo, you should find that there are so many other forms of PB&J that really hit home and have, personally, become some of the staples we include in our snacks and desserts!

Perfect for sharing with family or friends, this recipe yields a larger portion than many of our recipes and can be split in half or into thirds. (Depending on how much you want to drink.)

Or, if you plan on having a busy day, you can get a big cup and drink it throughout the day, so you can make it through your plans without worrying about whether you’ve eaten that morning.

Now that we’ve convinced you to try this amazing recipe, we can move on to what you’ll need. 

At this point, we may sound like a broken record, but because of the variety of everyone’s preferences, it’s important to state.

These smoothie recipes are customizable and can be altered to anyone’s needs.

Strawberry peanut butter smoothie ingredients:

½ cup of almond milk-

We used unsweetened almond milk, but you can decide which type you want to use based on how sweet you want your smoothie to be.

If you don’t have almond milk and don’t want to get some, we also recommend milk as another option.

Lastly, if you don’t have any problems with lactose intolerance, and either prefer a less sweet smoothie or don’t have any of the other milks recommended, you can use regular lactose milk.

1 ½ cups of strawberries-

Please remember to wash and cut the stems of the strawberries before putting them into the blender.

Fresh strawberries are preferred, but no one’s going to stop you from adding frozen strawberries.

In fact, frozen strawberries will release less juice and keep the smoothie from getting super liquid-y.

3 spoonfuls of peanut butter-

By far the best part of the smoothie is the peanut butter! We left the portions pretty vague for this one because depending on how hearty your spoonfuls are the taste will change.

If you want a thicker smoothie with a strong peanut butter taste, add three big spoonfuls of peanut butter.

For a not-as-strong flavor, we recommend either adding three slim spoonfuls or two normal-sized spoonfuls.

1 cup of spinach-

This ingredient is TOTALLY optional. However, even if you don’t like spinach, adding it to a smoothie is one of the best ways to consume it without having to taste it or realize that you’re consuming it.

For picky eaters, we have to warn you: spinach often manipulates the color of your smoothie. So if you decide to add spinach and are concerned that your drink looks inedible, don’t panic.

Just like most other foods, when mixed together, we often have an expectation of what it should look like. But with fresh food, they usually look a bit different than our original interpretations.

2 medium-sized bananas- 

Along with peanut butter, these bananas will help thicken the texture and make your smoothie more creamy.

These ingredients don’t need to be frozen, but if you prefer to do that then we recommend only freezing one and leaving the other one fresh.

Keep in mind that when you add bananas to your blender, it can take longer for them to fully incorporate if you leave them as they are. Cut each banana into thirds or fourths to speed up the process.

Great! Now that we’ve covered our ingredients, you can go and create your own strawberry peanut butter smoothie! 

Common questions:

If you still have questions, you can comment them down below and we will answer the most common ones we see. One that comes up a lot is:

Do I need to add ice to my smoothie?

Just like most things, the answer is all about preference.

However, we usually try not to add too much ice to too many of our smoothies because we have found that it can water it down and make them more liquid-y.

Instead of ice, you can freeze fruit and then add it to your smoothie so it still stays cold, but there isn’t any extra water being put in.

Does spinach make a difference?

In the taste? No. 

But if you are super picky about color and texture, you may want to try it out first, before making your own opinion on it.

For this smoothie in particular, we found that the spinach really altered the color of the result. 

In one of our other recipes, we barely noticed. So it all depends on the other ingredients and how light the color is. 

If you want that extra boost of nutrition and don’t mind the color or texture, spinach is a great way to get down some greens.

An extreme but delicious example is from our Green Smoothie Recipe:

smoothie recipe green

The spinach totally took over the color but the smoothie tastes nothing like it.

Where can I find healthy smoothies?

Unfortunately, the stereotypical, healthy smoothies are shown as super green drinks with only vegetables and lots of antibiotics.

While these are super healthy, they discredit the other smoothie recipes with fruit that are also healthy. As long as your smoothies consist of fresh fruit that isn’t artificially manufactured, then those drinks are healthy too because fresh fruit has a bunch of great nutrients!

Speaking of healthy fruit smoothies, we have a bunch of recipes on our page! 

This Easy Post Workout Smoothie is perfect for a boost of energy during a long day:

post workout smoothie recipe

This Tropical And Delicious Mango Smoothie is perfect for a hot day or when you’re reminiscing about summertime:

smoothie recipes

We love all of these smoothies, and hope you will too! They all contain a variety of different fruits for whatever vibe you’re going for. 

If you still haven’t found the one, head over to our smoothies page and browse through until one catches your eye.

Thinking about pairing it with a snack? No problem. We’ve got you covered on that front too!

We have plenty of snacks that taste delicious with our smoothies and you can find them on our snacks page.

We hope you enjoyed this recipe, and if this was your first time trying the peanut butter and strawberry combination outside of a sandwich, then let us know what you thought!

This is but one of the healthy smoothies with almond milk that will be coming out soon, so stay tuned for more recipes to add to the list.

If you love the idea but are struggling to find a reason to make a smoothie, here are two smoothies.

Breakfast smoothie-

If you’re on the go and don’t have enough time to sit down and eat, drinking a smoothie in the morning as an alternative to breakfast is a really great way to still get the proper nutrients to help power your body until lunchtime.

Another reason you could make this is if you don’t like to eat in the mornings, but are feeling peckish enough. Smoothies can be taken with you in your car and on your way to work and don’t stink up the room with the smell of food.

Afternoon snack-

Whether you’re coming from work or school, making a smoothie as an afternoon snack is another easy option. Especially if you’re like us and get super hungry in between lunch and dinner, drinking a smoothie should hold you off until you can eat next.

They make great appetizers for little ones coming home from school, and parents: feel free to sneak in some extra veggies!

We hope these ideas help and you can make the most out of your strawberry peanut butter smoothies!

This post is all about healthy smoothies with almond milk. 

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