Kids’ breakfast ideas can be hard to come up with if you have picky eaters.

kids breakfast ideas

Even without picky eaters, food fatigue may start to kick in if you eat the same thing every day, so you may need more kids’ breakfast ideas. You may not think about it, but it’s good to switch it up every so often.

With kids, they may enjoy a specific breakfast meal for a long time and then never want to eat it again. it’s good to be prepared just in case.

Although these are breakfast ideas for kids, that doesn’t mean you can’t eat them if you aren’t a kid. Anyone can enjoy these dishes, and you can prepare them differently to match your tastes and preferences.

You can decorate them to make them more appealing to younger ages, or you can leave them as is. Either way, these breakfast ideas are delicious.

This post is all about the 4 top kids’ breakfast ideas for a stress-free morning.

As a kid, I remember being the pickiest person I knew. There were so many foods that didn’t look good, taste good, or the texture was off.

However, it is also a great time to introduce new foods because it might actually end up being a favorite food and a repeat.

If trying new foods doesn’t go that well, at least you know for next time to stay away from those tastes.

Everyone has a different palette, but you can typically find a couple of specific foods that align with the flavors you like.

For example, liking fruits and enjoying sweet foods, or liking specific seasonings on your hashbrowns and enjoying savory foods.

Something that may break the ice if you are introducing a new food could be decorating the plate to look like a face or an animal because sometimes foods that look like something else are more fun and easy to eat even if they don’t taste that great.

If you’re worried that the kids won’t want to try the food you’re serving them, this could help them take a bite. 

There are tons of different kids’ breakfast ideas that knock it out of the park in terms of becoming the new favorites.

It’s also easy to keep in mind that if something is favored, there are often other foods that can take the same ingredients and transform them into something else that tastes completely different or somewhat different.

If you or your kids are struggling with food fatigue, using the same ingredients to make a completely different dish will get rid of the rest of the ingredients you have while still providing something new.

All you need to do is add some different spices, or maybe even a couple extra ingredients if you have them to completely change the flavor of your previous dish.

To make sure it’s a well-balanced meal, add some sort of protein, a carb, and some fruits and veggies and you’re good to go.

You can pick and choose what you decide to add to the breakfast, but it may be best to add a hearty food in there to keep your energy up until lunchtime.

Just a couple pieces of fruit or vegetables are not going to be enough to fuel the body until the next time you have a full meal, you may start to feel more tired or not be able to think clearly.

It can be hard for some people to eat such a big meal in the mornings, but there are still some smaller meals that have enough nutrients without making you feel full or uncomfortable.

(RELATED POST: Strawberry Muffins | Healthy Breakfast Muffin Ideas)

Even just adding a little something extra to make sure that you have protein or carbs with a food that you’re already eating for breakfast is going to make a huge difference, and you won’t be trying to eat something super big that you may not be able to eat.

Then, if you start developing an appetite in the morning or the kids start developing an appetite in the morning, you can move on to slightly bigger meals that have more variety in ingredients, and flavor.

(RELATED POST: Things To Make With Ripe Bananas You Need To Know About)

Sometimes taking small steps at a time is the best way to approach the situation, and if you want to continue to eat fuller meals in the morning but don’t have an appetite for them, start off with eating just a little bit.

This was something I had to do when I started working out in the morning because I needed to fuel my body with something before burning energy and building muscle, so I started off eating just a couple of bites in the morning and now I have a full appetite.

This isn’t guaranteed to work for everyone, but if you have a similar goal this may be worth trying.

Now that all of that is out of the way, we can move on to these fun kids’ breakfast ideas for a stress-free morning.

Breakfast Ideas:

Banana Pancakes

A recipe for banana pancakes has already made its appearance on this blog, but they are so good and healthy if you are trying to go that route.

The recipe is also super easy and takes maybe 10 minutes max to mix the batter and cook it over the stove before you can eat it. 

It’s definitely a healthier alternative to regular pancakes but you can add other toppings like maple syrup and whipped cream if you still want to make it sweet. 

(RELATED POST: Easy Healthy Breakfast Recipes)

You can add as much extra flavoring or as little flavoring as you would like. This is one of my favorite recipes if there are a couple of extra bananas in the house but don’t want to make a huge mess or use a bunch of different ingredients.


There are some healthier recipes that you can use to make waffles, but the recipe I had in mind for this specific kids’ breakfast idea was just a regular recipe.

Waffles, and pancakes, are really great breakfast food if you want to incorporate fresh fruit. Especially if the kids you’re feeding get super picky with the fruit they eat, this is a great meal to have that will use up a lot of fruit.

This recipe might be a little harder to make if you don’t have a waffle maker, but that is why there are a bunch of different breakfast options in this post. So if you can’t make one thing or don’t have the tools to make it, there is something else that you may like just as much.

If you want to add some protein, you can make some scrambled eggs to go on the side or add a little drizzle of peanut butter on top. There are tons of other ways you can add protein, but these are just the first ones that come to mind.

Granola Bars

As a quick and easy breakfast, granola bars are a lot more flexible when it comes to where you can bring them.

You can keep them in a bag, and eat them on the go or save it for later and not have to worry about putting them in the fridge or freezer.

Granola bars are also a little bit sweeter and have a bit more sugar if you get them from the store so they may appeal to kids in that sense.

If you make them from scratch, which will definitely take a lot more time but may taste even better, you can control what ingredients go into the recipe so if there are any allergy restrictions, then homemade would be the way to go.

From a nutrient standpoint, granola bars have a ton of protein from the variety of nuts that are added. They also have a good amount of carbs from the granola.

Apples & Peanut Butter

This may not be for everyone, but it is a fun sweet, and savory breakfast that doubles as a snack. You can add pretzels, granola, or raisins to make it into an art piece but if the kids you are making food for like sweet fruits like apples or peanut butter, they may enjoy this breakfast idea the most!

If they don’t like apples, you can also substitute them for bananas. Both combinations are very delicious and work as well as a small breakfast if you or they don’t have a big appetite in the mornings. 

It’s a super easy breakfast idea to put together if you’re short on time and has a good source of protein to help keep you energized through the morning.

These kids’ breakfast ideas are so easy to put together, and you can mix them up if you need something new. You can alter and switch around the ingredients if you do get food fatigue, so there is no need to worry about not getting through the food you buy.

The more fun with the design aspect of these breakfast ideas, the more delicious these meals will be! 

This post is all about the 4 top kids’ breakfast ideas for a stress-free morning.

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