What are you putting on your party snack table?

party snack table

There are so many good foods that are perfect to make for a party snack table either because they are super easy recipes or because they feed a lot of people.

And, of course, you have the best of both worlds with party foods that are quick and make a lot.

Fruits and vegetables commonly get the spotlight because grocery stores already display them on platters, ready to serve. But if you have just a little bit more time, homemade foods are the way to go.

Not only are they freshly made for your guests, but they make the kitchen or wherever you’re cooking smell really good and add to the atmosphere. (That’s a bonus to show off all of your hard work!)

This post is all about what to put on your party snack table.

If you already have a bunch of must-have food for your party snack table, then that’s great. Most of us may already have an idea of what kind of spread you want to put together.

But sometimes it’s also good to think outside of the box, and maybe make something that you wouldn’t normally put together.

It’s nice to have party foods that you know guests will like and enjoy, and that you like to make. But if you’re feeling experimental, then maybe take a look at some of these party snacks.

Who knows, maybe you and your guests will enjoy them so much that they become a staple for every party you have after.

Or they can just be for when you have a little bit more time and want to make some party snacks you don’t usually have.

Either way, your guests will enjoy eating something fresh. Most of these party foods can be served after coming out of the oven so they will taste delicious and warm.

(RELATED POST: Party Food For A Crowd On A Budget)

Now all of these foods for a party snack table require at least some amount of time to get together, so you can either prepare them before and keep them in the fridge ready to go or you can make them right before the party.

The necessary preparations will of course be explained for each item in case any clarification is needed.

These party foods can take anywhere from 10 minutes to 30 minutes so just keep that in mind. If you have a ton of time, you can put more detail or flavors into your snack, but if you don’t have a ton of time, you can stick with something simple.

If you know for sure that you want to make something that may take more time and do you know for sure that you will not have enough time to make it right beforehand, you may want to look into prepping all of the ingredients the night before or the morning of 2:00 to ensure everything is ready to go.

What to put on your party snack table:

Deviled Eggs

This is one of the party snacks that you could prepare way ahead of time and keep in the refrigerator until needed. That makes this recipe super flexible and all you have to worry about is them possibly disappearing before you need them.

Deviled eggs are also a simpler recipe to make, and you can kind of tailor them to your specific needs and preferences.

They are a good source of protein for those who don’t eat meat and will add a bit of flavor to your table.

Pigs In A Blanket

Super simple and usually a crowd favorite, pigs in a blanket are one of the easiest recipes on this list.

You can buy them pre-made from the store, or you can make them on your own. And then, you also need to choose whether to create this recipe completely from scratch or buy the breading and meet separately. 

The second option would definitely be the way to go if you want to add your own spin or additional ingredients to the bread before baking.

They may turn out even better if you decide to add something extra. If you or your guests love this food combination, it is a good snack to bring to the party.

This may be one of my favorite party snacks to have because they taste amazing warm and they actually don’t taste bad once they’ve cooled off. 

Spring Rolls

Spring rolls are another amazing food to add to your party snack table, but they will take up more time than most of the items on the list.

Unless you get them really made from the grocery store. In this case, you can heat them up within a couple of minutes and serve them to guests immediately.

It kind of just depends on how much time you have on your hands and how much time you’re willing to set aside to make party food.

You may also want to take into consideration any possible allergies or restrictions that would limit the type of food you can serve. Mainly just thinking about leaving options for those who do or don’t want meat.

But if you do choose to make these either from scratch or heating them up pre-made, your guests will surely love them.

Snap Peas/Edamame 

Although they are not the same, snap peas and edamame have been put into the same spot on this list because of their similarity and how they can be accessed.

Most people can buy these from the store, if you happen to have snap pea plants at your house,  organic always tastes good.

They are both easy to handle and sanitary because the edible part is sealed up in the shell, so there is no worry about contaminating them.

You can serve snap peas and edamame by themselves, or add sauces and spices however you see fit.

These and any other vegetables or fruit are really just a great grab-and-go for both the guests and the person who has to prepare the party food.


Like a lot of our other party snacks, you can choose to make these from scratch or buy pre-made versions at the store. 

They can be similar to spring rolls in terms of ingredients, but the textures and flavors are different and some people just prefer one over the other.

However, you probably would not need to make both for your party if you like the idea of making something along those lines.

Potstickers sometimes don’t taste great cold, so if you’re leaning on the fence between spring rolls and potstickers, you may want to pick the one that is going to still be popular after the temperature has settled.


Quesadillas are one of the easiest and quickest things to make on our best foods for your party snack table list.

If you want to turn it up from nachos, quesadillas are the next step. They only take about 10 minutes to make, and you can cut them up into big or small slices depending on how much you want to prepare.

(RELATED POST: Easy Recipes that You Need To Try)

They are definitely a go-to party food to make if a guest gets hungry. If you are the host, this would be one of the easiest party snacks to make to allow you to pop into the kitchen and continue your conversation with friends.

As long as you’ve got a timer or an eye on the stove, you can whip up some quesadillas in no time! 

Mini Pizzas

This may sound complicated but don’t worry. The steps are not as difficult as you may think.

If you already have regular ingredients to make a pizza, then you can make a pizza and cut it up into smaller slices.

But if that is not the case, you can use other ingredients to make little pizzas. For the dough, you can use tortillas or some sort of flatbread.

You will need to use tomato sauce for the middle, and then you can shred some cheese or any pre-shredded cheese to the top.

Put in the microwave or the oven for a short period of time and there you go! Mini bite-sized pizzas for guests to enjoy.

Of course, you could always make an activity out of making your own pizzas, but that might take up a lot of time that you may want to have for other things.

Mozzarella Sticks

Staying on the cheese theme is my other top favorite party food on this list! If you happen to have an air fryer, mozzarella sticks come out super crispy after a couple of minutes inside.

An air fryer can be useful for several of these recipes as well if that would help you complete your party snack table on time.

Mozzarella sticks are a great filler for when guests are hungry, and you can have them with dip or on their own and they taste delicious.

This would not be the greatest snack if you are trying to avoid fried food, but if that is not a concern then these are super easy.

They taste amazing whether you make them from scratch or heat them up from the box, and kids will love the taste of pizza and another form.

Chicken Wings

And finally, last but not least, chicken wings. While usually this isn’t considered a snack, if you are hosting a party that has a table full of food without serving a complete meal, then guests can snack on these things while they chat.

Chicken wings can take quite a bit of preparation beforehand, especially if you want to let them sit and marinate for a while, but the taste is worth it.

That sums it up! All nine of some of the yummiest foods to put on your party snack table.

(RELATED POST: The Best Party Food For Large Groups)

There are of course tons of other snacks that you can make, but these are some of the ones you may not have thought about.

With all of these options, you are set for your next party!

This post is all about what to put on your party snack table.

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