Looking for fun summer recipes to make? 

fun summer recipes

These are simple and easy recipes you can make to take advantage of the weather. Whether you’re a seasoned cook or not, you should be able to get to the final dish quickly.

If you’re making food for several people, these recipes are not hard to multiply and can feed as many people as you need to.

Or if that’s not the case and you just want to make a small meal for yourself, these recipes work in that context too. The quantity can go either way depending on your requirements.

The hardest part may be trying to figure out which recipes you want to make!

This post is all about three easy fun summer recipes.

You may be having a tough time figuring out what fun summer recipes to make, whether it’s because you are cooking for picky eaters or you just aren’t craving anything in particular.

Depending on when you need them, these fun summer recipes can be made for lunch or dinner! 

As long as you can set aside 20-30 minutes, everything will be ready before you know it. With help, it will take even less time to get everything situated.

If you need it, each recipe varies in ingredients to accommodate any possible dietary restrictions, and alternatives will be listed as needed.

These fun summer recipes are not only simple in steps but simple in ingredients too. But if you want the extra flavor profile, you can add whatever spices and ingredients you have to personalize it to your tastes.

You can make these dishes as plain or as flavorful as you would like. Tinkering with the taste can help balance out the other dishes that make a whole meal, so something being plain may contribute to the recipe.

Some of the best recipes are ones that are easy and quick, so you remember them and can make them again at the drop of a hat without having to read back through the steps.

If you end up liking these recipes, they will be fairly simple to make again and you’ll get faster at preparing everything.

After a couple of attempts, you can remember these recipes without glancing at them!

With how easy these fun summer recipes are, they may become your new go-to meals for when you don’t know what to eat. 

Fun Summer Recipes:

Roasted Potatoes & Pork

Starting off strong, we have one of my favorite meals of all time, roasted potatoes, and pork. This is obviously not a vegetarian-friendly option, however, you could substitute the pork in for tofu, and use the same seasonings for a different spin on the meal.

This recipe doesn’t generally take a ton of effort to prepare, you will just need to account for the amount of time that it will need to cook.

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Along with the commonly used salt and pepper, you can also use other seasonings like garlic salt and lemon juice to spice it up.

For the potatoes, you can slice them into smaller pieces and smother with olive oil, and a mixture of garlic, salt, and pepper for a super simple and easy addition to these fun summer recipes.

They can be in the oven or in an air fryer for a crispy texture with a squishy inside. Roasted potatoes also work really well as an appetizer, although you may be too full by the time the rest of the food is ready.

If you can already tell, roasted potatoes are one of my favorite snacks, and can be very addicting. If you’re ever craving some potatoes, I highly recommend making this recipe, either with the rest of your meal or just by itself.

For the pork (or tofu), The seasonings are pretty simple as well. Just some lemon juice and garlic salt and you’re good to go. If you want to add something else, go ahead!

You could marinate them with any special sauce you have, or use my go-to at the moment: this super amazing rub that tastes like you’re eating a buttery steak.

The Buttery Steakhouse from Kinders that you can find on Amazon:

The flavor of pork pairs so well with this rub, every time I have eaten pork for the past month or so, this is always what I want it to taste like.

If you’re looking for any vegetables to add along with this meal, you can roast some broccolini or bell peppers, and those will taste nicely on the side.

Quesadillas With Guac

Looking for a super quick and easy meal? These fun summer recipes are ones that I tend to eat a lot, especially when the weather gets warmer. The kitchen can get pretty hot after hours of cooking so this recipe keeps the addition of heat to a minimum.

If you need some guidance with your quesadilla, here is how I make mine. First, smear the pan with a little bit of butter to act as a non-stick agent then also spread some butter on one side of a flour tortilla. Slice some cheese and put it on Half of the tortilla on the side that does not have butter on it and then fold it in half.

Turn on the stove, medium, high heat, and cook thoroughly before flipping over. This can take anywhere from 3 to 5 minutes on one side, so just make sure you check the bottom every once in a while, and once it gets to a golden brown color.

From start to finish, this whole thing should take about 10 minutes max. If you want to add any extra toppings, like chicken or onions, slice those and spread them in after you’ve added your cheese.

To mix flavors together as much as possible, slice whatever other toppings you include thinly so they can be evenly spread over the cheese before closing.

Well, the quesadilla is cooking, you can get started on the guacamole. Everyone has different specifications for what they like in their guac, but for the sake of simplicity and ease, I will stick with the basic ingredients.

There are no specific amounts for any of these recipes because all of it is really to your own preferences and taste.

(RELATED POST: Cheap Easy Meals For One)

For the guacamole, mash avocados in a bowl and add lime juice, and garlic salt and mix. Most of which are and of course, start off small and add as you go to make sure you don’t make the flavors too overpowering.

Quesadillas and guacamole are really good together, and the sliced quesadilla almost acts like a giant chip. However, if you prefer to keep your food separate, you can always use whatever chips you have, and eat it on the side.

Tacos & Salsa

And finally, tacos and salsa. The combination of flavors is just perfect for summer, and especially easy if you have tons of people over because they can all get exactly what they want.

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There are just so many different options for things you could put into a taco that there really is something for everyone, and it is easy to produce enough for a bunch of people well, also just as easy to only make a couple for yourself.

You can cut up whatever vegetables you want if you’re making it for yourself, and then save the rest for another time. If you’re planning on making tacos for multiple days in a row, you could slice up a bunch of vegetables in advance and have ready-to-go containers for when you’re hungry.

Salsa is also fairly easy to make, and you can even add it to your taco.

While it will take longer than a quesadilla and guacamole, it will take less time than the potatoes and pork. So these fun recipes are kind of somewhere in the middle if you need something like that.

You could potentially use tofu as well if you don’t eat fish or meat, but that’s up to you.

Making it for yourself means you only need to spend money on the ingredients that you personally like. Making it for a bunch of people means that you will have to prepare several different types of ingredients for everyone’s preferences.

These fun recipes are definitely the ones you are going to want to do if you are hosting tons of people.

And that’s about it! These fun summer recipes are so great for when it gets warmer because they are super easy to make and don’t take too much time.

Whether you’re making them for yourself, or for others, you are sure to enjoy the process and the result. These are my favorite recipes when I don’t know what to make or don’t feel like getting into a super complicated recipe.

So, even if you aren’t a professional chef, you will still be able to make these fun summer recipes with ease.

This post is all about three easy fun summer recipes.

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