Looking for simple snacks to make? You’re in the right place!

simple snacks to make

Whether you need some simple snacks to make because you don’t have a lot of time or you just want food but don’t know what, there is something for you.

All of these snacks are simple in the way that they don’t use more than four ingredients maximum, so you won’t have to worry about preparing tons of food.

If you don’t have a lot of time, I recommend staying towards the top of the page where the snacks provided are all within a ten-minute time limit.

On the other hand, if you just need something easy but can wait a little longer before eating, you can scroll down towards the bottom where there are recipes that take more time but are just as good.

This post is all about super simple snacks to make.

Please remember that these snacks are not a replacement for a meal, but instead can help balance out other foods you have eaten and provide some variety to your diet.

Depending on what you need, you may want to choose one simple snack over another if you have enough time to be flexible with what to make.

If you like the ideas but don’t have the ingredients to make them yourself, some grocery stores sell the finished product and others just sell the individual ingredients, so you can figure out what works best for you and prepare it yourself or buy them pre-made.

All of these recipes are vegetarian-friendly, so if you have any concerns about not being able to use the exact same ingredients, you won’t have to worry about that! However, these simple snacks are not all vegan, so you may need to keep that in mind if it applies to you.

Even if these don’t concern your personal dietary needs, this knowledge can help you pick what kind of snack you want to balance out your other meals.

Some of these snacks include a more complex recipe that may seem intimidating if you are not familiar with cooking or can’t find your way around the kitchen.

Don’t be worried, there are a variety of ideas to match your skillset and some of the longer ones are super simple so you can try them out without stressing about getting the recipes wrong. As stated earlier, each recipe only has a couple of ingredients so they are all easy to make.

Now that all of that has been addressed, it’s time to get into the actual snacks! If you are anything like me, you live off of snacks. 

Why eat a whole meal when you can just eat a small meal and then eat later? That way you don’t have to wait so long in between meals. 

That being said, snacking is not a replacement for meals. Everything is okay in moderation, but you don’t need to snack if you are not hungry. There is a big difference between eating when you’re hungry and eating when you’re bored.

Okay! That will be the one and only time that I have to cover that, so now we can officially move on.

Super Simple Snacks To Make:


Not only is applesauce awesome for fiber and nutrients, but it also tastes really good. (Even better bonus: you can use applesauce in a ton of different baked goods recipes!)

You can eat it as a snack in between work calls, or you can even have it as a light breakfast. Speaking of breakfast, some people like to put applesauce on toast, so maybe that’s something you want to try.

(RELATED POST: Easy Healthy Breakfast Recipes)

This is mainly a snack that you would purchase from the store, but if you have a food processor and more than enough time, you can also make your own. I’m sure you could also experiment with a blender to make your homemade applesauce. 

Again, there are options for everything! 

Roasted Nuts

Roasted nuts are the perfect grab-and-go snack that you can bring with you anywhere. They are easy to eat without the mess of crumbs or residue, and they can withstand any temperature.

A fan-favorite way to enjoy this yummy simple snack is to keep them in the car for when you’re feeling peckish, so there is something that is healthy and will keep you occupied until you can get a full meal.

And just like applesauce, grocery stores offer them pre-packaged at the store. I think this would be the go-to option for most people unless you really want to roast them yourself, in which case I hope you feel comfortable with doing that. 

(RELATED POST: 11 Must-Have Snacks For Home)

Strawberry/Coconut/Almond Yogurt

When I make this, I usually add fresh ingredients instead of flavored ones (yogurt) from the store. You can choose to do this either way, it’s totally up to you.

If I wasn’t clear before, this may be good with strawberry-flavored yogurt, but I prefer to use sliced strawberries instead. 

There are a couple of different ways you can make this snack, so here is the easiest (in my opinion) recipe for it:

You will need:


Greek Yogurt

Shredded Coconut

Sliced Almonds

You can add small or large amounts of each ingredient depending on what flavors you want to be the strongest!

Greek yogurt was what I had around, but any other vanilla yogurt does just fine as well. If you want a sweeter version of this, then I would go for a vanilla-flavored version. If you like the tanginess of Greek yogurt, then stick with that as your base.

All you need to do is slice fresh strawberries, sprinkle in some shredded coconut and some sliced almonds into a bowl of Greek yogurt, and mix.

For an extra step, you can also heat up the coconut in the oven to make it crispy, which will give this simple snack recipe an added texture. 

I love anything with yogurt, and it is fun to make up different flavors, almost like a healthy, homemade version of frozen yogurt!

(RELATED POST: Healthy Snacks That Taste Good)

Beans And Cheese Chip Dip

Don’t let this name fool you. It’s exactly what it sounds like! (If you couldn’t already pick up on it!)

You can use pinto or black beans from a can, put them in a bowl, slice some cheese on top, and heat it up!

The best compliment for this simple snack is to add some tortilla chips and use it as something to dip into, but you can also eat it by itself and it tastes very similar.

This would be a great simple snack to make if you only have ten minutes or so because the only part that really takes up any time is slicing the cheese to put on top.

Crispy, Seasoned Brussels Sprouts

Now we’re getting into the simple snack recipes that take a bit longer than some of the others. Even so, these taste just as good and you get something hot and ready after it’s done.

The recipe itself is quite simple, so you have the freedom to season the Brussels sprouts however you would like.

This one does require a couple more steps, so here’s an idea of what to expect:

Step 1:

Preheat the oven to 375, then get a baking sheet with tinfoil and a bowl and set aside.

Step 2:

Wash and dry the Brussels sprouts, then cut them into halves and place in a bowl.

Step 3:

Drizzle olive oil over Brussels. Then add your spices and seasoning!

There are plenty of different spices you can add, like salt and pepper. Or, you can use garlic, garlic salt, and shredded Parmesan cheese.

What you include in this recipe is really up to you.

Step 4:

Spread the Brussels sprouts onto the baking sheet and bake for about 10 minutes, checking every couple of minutes. 

Hopefully, this recipe is easy enough, with only a couple of ingredients it simplifies the possibilities that could come out of these snacks.

And last but not least,

Cinnamon Apples

Another apple-related snack yay! Apples are high in fiber and natural sugars, and they are so good for you.

You can eat this as a snack or a dessert, all you need is a couple of apples that you can slice up, add some cinnamon on top, and pop them in the oven at 350 until the apple’s texture has become mushy.

Let them cool off for a couple of minutes after pulling them out of the oven, then you can eat them!

They are delicious with just the cinnamon, but if you want to turn them into a dessert, you can put some whipped cream on top. Vanilla ice cream is also another good pairing.

You can store them in the fridge and eat them cold or heat them back up to have with another cold food (like ice cream!) and then the texture and temperature mix to create a moist snack.

This ‘simple snacks to make’ recipe is definitely the most time-consuming one out of the other ideas, but it is totally worth it! 

Hopefully, some of these recipes inspired you and helped satiate your need to figure out what to eat.

If you’ve got any of these ingredients handy, you could totally whip up most of these recipes in ten minutes or less.

Happy snacking!

This post is all about super simple snacks to make.

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