These healthy breakfast recipes protein packed with a variety of options are the best foods to prepare for a productive day of work.

healthy breakfast recipes protein

Do you have a busy day ahead of you? Or maybe you are already thinking of meals you can make for the morning? 

A nutritious breakfast is the best way to start your day and energize your mind and body so it is ready for what you have going on. 

And if you weren’t already aware, protein has a massive impact on your overall wellness and strength.

We’re only given one body, so why not take care of it?

This post is all about healthy breakfast recipes protein.

Whether you feel it or not, there is actually a huge difference when you first wake up in your strength and muscle.

You will generally be weaker if you haven’t had any food let alone any protein yet in the morning.

Although you don’t usually feel the difference, you shouldn’t push your body to work for a long time in the morning without a form of sustenance.

All of these protein healthy breakfast recipes will be the perfect way to re-energize your body after a good night’s rest and set you up for success in your day ahead.

Even if you are vegetarian, or vegan, there are still plenty of options that don’t include meat or egg-related products.

Depending on how hungry you get in the morning, or how much you feel like eating/preparing, you can add more food like extra fruits and veggies to fill you up enough.

Of course, each meal won’t contain only protein, because it is just as important to include the fibers and sugars of other foods.

If you can’t eat the same foods over and over again, you can try other foods or you can try baking or cooking them in different ways with spices and sides like veggies or fruits!

(RELATED POST: Healthy Breakfast Ideas For Work When You’re In A Rush)

Some foods taste completely different depending on how you make them, so it’s all about finding what you enjoy making and eating.

It’s important to note that everyone’s journey with food is different, personally, I am a very picky eater, and I’ve spent years searching for foods that I enjoy.

Here are some easy breakfast options:

Omelet- (vegetarian)(dairy-free)

Omelets are a basic breakfast food that can be made in so many different ways that you are sure to find a recipe that you will like.

They are super easy to make, and a great protein option if you want something hot and ready in the morning, that won’t take more than five minutes to make.

With the plethora of recipes and ingredients that you can add, the nutrition level also increases. For example, you can add cheese, onions, tomatoes, or potatoes for a flavorful breakfast that hits many of the main food groups.

If you have no problem, consuming eggs, omelets truly are one of the best sources of protein.

Have more free time and want to step it up? You can add even more to your omelet by making it inside of a crêpe. It’s a great way to hit that food group too!

What about if you’re looking for something sweet? There’s a meal for that too.

Yogurt Parfait- (vegetarian)

If you’re not familiar with using yogurt in your meals and/or snacks, you may not know about the healthy benefits of it.

Yogurt serves as an excellent source of protein and can be eaten alone, or added to other meals for its rich nutrients.

There are tons of super yummy and delicious things. You can add to yogurt which will make it a parfait.

My favorite things to add to yogurt are granola and fruit. Breakfast becomes a sweet treat, and I get to feel good about eating something that will keep me until lunchtime.

On vacation, yogurt parfaits are also super easy to make and can be a really great option if you plan on not spending a lot of time in the morning in your hotel, or wherever you’re staying looking at what to eat.

You can buy everything separately at a grocery store and then keep it in a fridge with you in your room so it is easy to assemble in the mornings and you can focus more on the day ahead.

If you tend to get bored of the same thing, quickly, you can use different, flavored yogurts, or different fruit and granola to mix it up while still keeping the same meal.

Smoothies- (vegetarian)

If you haven’t ever indulged in a breakfast smoothie, you’re missing out.

Not only are they super time efficient, but you can take them with you to go. It doesn’t require you to sit down to finish it.

(RELATED POST: Insanely Cheap And Easy HealthyBreakfast Smoothie Recipe)

Smoothies are a little easier to drink at your own pace than other food because, in a protected cup, you can still access it, whereas, if you were to put your food in the container, you would have to keep opening and closing the container.

They are one of the best sources of different nutrients because there are so many ingredients that you can add to your smoothie to meet your needs.

On top of that, if you are not familiar with cooking and/or baking, but want to start making things on your own, smoothies are the best recipes to start with.

In regards to adding protein, you can do this by adding yogurt, like a yogurt parfait in a different form, or you can also add protein powder.

Yogurt won’t mess up the taste of the smoothie unless you use a flavored yogurt or one with extra toppings mixed in.

If you are trying to make your smoothie thicker in consistency, yogurt is also good to use as a replacement for banana, or added with it.

Protein powder can change the taste of your smoothie drastically or barely, depending on what type of protein powder you use.

For example, vanilla protein powder will make your smoothie sweeter and won’t add too much extra flavor. If you already have a bunch of ingredients added in.

However, chocolate protein powder has a stronger influence over the final taste and may result in a completely different smoothie.

(RELATES POST: Easy Post Workout Smoothie Recipe)

English Muffin Breakfast Sandwiches-

This healthy breakfast recipe is a little bit more broad, but hopefully, it can get the point across.

Just like most sandwiches, you can create this with some sort of meat or protein base and then add other veggies and ingredients from there.

This can be something like bacon, or sausage, or if you don’t eat meat- you can try tofu.

I would recommend this as a healthy breakfast option if you have time in the morning to clean up because this specific recipe uses more than one kitchen appliance, and may require time to put it away after.

Just like a smoothie, this may be one of your easiest options if you plan on eating in a car. With a napkin, English muffin sandwiches are not messy and don’t require any utensils you would need to pack with you.

If you have the time to make them yourself, I would encourage you to do so, because homemade always tastes better than store-bought.

Toasted Chickpeas- (vegan)(dairy-free)

As a picky eater, watching my mom make these for years, discouraged me from ever trying them. but one day, somehow I was convinced to try them, and they were so good!

It was such a simple recipe and contained enough protein to help the brain function and the body stay strong.

While this doesn’t do well as a meal on its own, if you’re just looking for a quick bite to eat in the morning or a snack to help your stomach, stop grumbling until lunchtime, this is a great one.

They stay fresh in a container for up to four days and you can eat them like popcorn!

I recommend making this the night before, or if you are an early riser. Out of all of these recipes, this one takes the longest so keep that in mind because this recipe might be better for meal prep.

For this recipe, you will need:

Canned Chickpeas 



Garlic Salt 

Olive Oil

There are no specific measurements for each ingredient, just add enough to cover each chickpea when mixed together.

Step 1:

Preheat the oven to 400 degrees. Get a baking sheet and cover it with aluminum foil, then set it to the side.

Step 2:

Pour the chickpeas into a strainer and rinse under water thoroughly. Then, put them onto a towel and pat dry.

Step 3:

In a bowl, combine chickpeas, cumin, paprika, garlic salt, and olive oil. Mix together with a spoon spatula or with your hands.

Spread onto the baking sheet and put into the oven for 25-30 minutes. Make sure to watch the chickpeas closely, because they burn easily.

Step 4:

Cool for 5-10 minutes before eating or storing in a container.

Because this recipe takes almost 45 minutes, make sure you have enough time to make them, whether that means preparing them the night before waking up early to bake.

That wraps up these healthy breakfast recipes protein packed with nutrients and yummy ingredients!

These recipes are good options to fall back on when you are clueless on what to make for breakfast, or just trying to get ahead to save time.

These healthy breakfast recipes protein packed with a variety of options are the best foods to prepare for a productive day of work.

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