Easy fast snacks are the most important thing to have with you when you’re in a rush.

fast easy snacks

Why? Having a bunch of these quick and easy snacks that you can think of off the top of your head reduces the amount of time you might be spending thinking about what you need to eat.

Not only do easy fast snacks limit the time you could be thinking about what to eat, but the right snacks can give you a boost of energy and vitamins depending on what they are.

Unfortunately, most of the grab-and-go snacks that grocery stores offer are in individual packaging and usually contain a good amount of artificial and other ingredients that aren’t the best for you.

It’s not a problem if you want to have those types of foods every once in a while, but it starts to damage your health if that is all that you’re eating.

This post is all about easy fast snacks that will keep you full.

One of the most important things to remember about making your snacks is that most of the time, you need to add some sort of protein and/or carb to make it filling.

You can eat as much fruit and vegetables as you want, but you may never get as full as you want, which could ultimately keep you thinking about your next meal.

That’s why all of the easy fast snacks have some sort of protein or carb so that they are not only super delicious but will actually help you feel energized and full.

If you are someone who doesn’t like to have big meals but still needs a lot of food to get through the day, these snacks may help keep you from feeling hungry so you can focus on working.

Similarly, for those who prefer to skip breakfast or not eat very much in the mornings, eating one of these snacks once it starts to get closer to lunchtime will ensure that your body has enough fuel to focus and keep you going.

My other favorite time to eat big snacks like these is in the afternoon between lunch and dinner when I’m taking a break from my work. Kids who come home from school around that time may enjoy these snacks very much.

A couple of these snacks require kitchen appliances like a toaster and a blender, so keep that in mind when going through this list if you are limited in what you can make based on your resources.

However, most of the time there are other ways to make the exact same thing so if there is another way to do it, I will list it alongside the original snack.

These easy fast snacks are the perfect bite to eat when you need to make something on the go because they can be easily packed away and eaten somewhere else that is not the kitchen table.

Now that everything’s covered, these are the best things to grab whenever you need something filling.

Easy Fast Snacks: 

Peanut Butter Banana Toast

As long as you’ve got a toaster, this is one of the easiest and quickest-filling snacks that you can make if you require something that won’t take too much time or effort.

You can use any type of white or whole wheat bread or you can also use sourdough. It really doesn’t matter what type of bread you use as long as you’ve got some sort of base for the peanut butter and banana.

If you have an allergy to peanuts, you can also use a different type of nut butter. Instead, it will taste just as good. My favorite alternatives are almond butter and sunflower butter.

The freshly toasted bread helps the peanut butter melt slightly and then you have a delicious warm treat that has no artificial sugar and will definitely keep you full until your next meal.

Peanut Butter And Jelly Sandwich

Although most people tend to think of it as a full lunch, Peanut butter, and jelly sandwiches are a really great snack too.

You can make half of one if you don’t think you’ll be able to finish a full sandwich, or you can split it between two kids.

The peanut butter serves as a great source of protein, and the jelly helps sweeten it up a bit.

Once again, this easy fast snack has a balanced mix of carbs and protein to make sure that you don’t continue to feel peckish afterward.


Depending on what you include, smoothies can be a great source of vitamins and antioxidants that will not only taste good but also be very good for you.

Adding protein powder is another easy way to add protein to snacks that you may already be eating, and it really does round out your smoothie so you are fuller for longer.

Smoothies are also an excellent option to include vegetables in your diet if you have a hard time eating specific ones.

There are tons of great recipes on my website that you can peruse if you look through the Smoothies tab.

(RELATED POST: Fan Favorite Chocolate Chip Smoothie Recipe)

If this sounds like the easiest snack for you to make, just make sure to have a blender prepared.

Don’t have a blender? That’s okay too. You can still make a deconstructed version that tastes just as good!

Yogurt Parfait

This snack has definitely been in some other post before, but that’s because it is truly one of the easiest things to make that is still packed with protein and won’t leave you feeling hungry.

Just grab a bowl of Greek yogurt or whatever yogurt you already have, wash some fruit, and voila it’s an easy, fast snack that will take you all of three minutes maximum, and then you can pack it up for later, or eat it in the moment.

To spice things up, you can also add some granola or chocolate chips, if you really want to!

A yogurt parfait still has just as many nutrients as a smoothie, but you don’t need to spend any money to get a blender in order to make it.

(RELATED POST: Granola Oat Milk Parfait | Healthy Munchies Snacks)

Chopped Vegetables With Chicken

Okay, so, yes this is pretty much a salad. But just like the fruit parfait, it is deconstructed.

You can eat them individually on a platter or pack them all into a single container for later. Chopping veggies can take quite a bit of time, so if you find yourself in a dilemma, you can use this amazing kitchen gadget from Amazon: a Vegetable Chopper

You can use this veggie chopper to cut several different types of veggies, and you can even use it to cut up your chicken as well.

If you want from there, you can add some dressing and turn it into a salad, or you can leave each part separate if you are feeding more people. This kitchen gadget helps make eating veggies a little easier!

Naan Bread And Hummus

Moving on, toasted naan bread and hummus is one of my all-time favorite easy, fast snacks to go to when I am craving something with carbs.

You can keep the bread plain or warm it up in the toaster for an extra crispy layer that really just makes everything taste even better.

If you have a couple minutes to spare, you can prepare your hummus while the bread is in the toaster and it will be ready to eat as soon as you get everything ready.

Pairing the chopped vegetables with hummus is also another great alternative if you don’t already have bread that you can use.

(RELATED POST: 11 Tempting Healthy Snacks For Picky Eaters)

Overnight Oats

Last, but certainly not least, we have overnight oats. Although the name suggests that you need to leave it overnight, if you were making this in the morning to eat later on in the day, a couple of hours will be just enough time for the ingredients to set. 

You can also pre-set this as a snack the weekend before, and then have them in little containers, so you can grab them on your way to work, or just as an easy thing to eat without having to pay much attention to it.

What is also fun about this as a snack is that you can make different flavors like chocolate and strawberry with mashed fruit and unsweetened cacao powder.

If you have enough time for them overnight oats are a delicious easy snack that is super filling and simple to make.

Those are all seven of the best fast easy snacks that you can make when you want to feel satisfied without subconsciously snacking for hours.

Especially if you are trying to add more protein and carbs into your diet, these snacks will fill that role.

Anytime you need to make food in advance for a long day ahead, consider preparing the ingredients for one of the snacks on the list, and then you can grab it and move swiftly on with your day without worrying about what food to eat.

This post is all about easy fast snacks that will keep you full.

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